Patrick Stump imagine #2

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(created by:5moreminutesmom for slickmascara)

A/N: Hey, it me! This one is for Amanda, where you wake up with Patrick.Just ignore the fact that the second part to the Brendon imagine isn't up yet... *coughs*Story Time!Why is it so cold? I try to reach for my husband Patrick next to me, only to be met with empty sheets. I open my eyes and see that he isn't there.I get up and shiver, running my fingers through my dirty blonde hair. December was not a fun month to wake up alone. I search the house for a minute until I hear whistling in the kitchen.Tiptoeing towards the sound, I see Patrick in the kitchen wearing his Batman pajama pants with a t-shirt and glasses. I stand their, watching for a minute as he dances a bit while whistling along toToxic by Britney Spears.He turns around and sees me leaning against the doorframe, smirking. He blushes and says, "Oh hey, Amanda..."I chuckle and walk over to him to say, "Good morning, Britney. What are you cooking up?"He smiles at me and kisses my cheek. "Blueberry pancakes, mi amor.""Well guess who just got a husband point," I say, smiling at him.He punches the air a few times and has a little celebration. I laugh and check on the pancakes. "Uh, Stump, I think it's burning."He stops celebrating and rushes over to the stove, flipping the pancake before it gets too burnt. "Saved it," he says.I shake my head at him and get out two plates. "Good job. Just make sure you don't burn the other side."He goes back to the pancake and checks that it's done before flipping it onto a plate. And putting more batter into the pan. The music is still playing, and switches the song to Smile by Uncle Kracker"Y'know this is one of my favorite songs?" Patrick says suddenly, looking at me."Why?" I ask curious."Because it reminds me of you," he says, looking at me."Aww, Patrick, stop being cute," I say, going to hug him."Well it's true," he says simply, wrapping his arms around me.I look at him a moment before pulling him into a loving kiss.When we pull away, I rest my head on his shoulder and say, "Patrick?""Hm?""The pancake is burning."A/N: Bonjour! Did you enjoy that, Amanda? I hope so. It gave me feels while I was writing. (Sorry it's so short BTW...)I'm not even going to say when the second part to the Brendon imagine will be up, because life and slight writer's block, but I do have ideas and ugh...However, please comment and follow both me and Brianna! (Maybe even vote if you thought it was worthy!)QUESTION TIME: What is your favorite breakfast food? I like biscuits (not cookies for all you weird people who think those are the same thing [JK I love you all]) and gravy.Au revoir, my sleepless children!

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