Frank Iero imagine #1

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Your pov:

I was sitting at a small booth in a cafe I was bored and tired I hadn't got much sleep my damn boss decided to give me a lot of paperwork great!

A guy walked in with x x on his eyes and was wearing a nice white top with a red tiered black jeans he had some eyeliner but that was it on the makeup

He got his coffee and called I think it was a friend I was eavesdropping

After a while a guy and a girl came in and sat next to I'm laughing and pointing at his face making him sad

I was getting tired of seeing him sad
I marched over and I was confident

"What's the problem over here" glaring at them they stopped laughing

"He is wearing makeup like a fucking girl"  the brown haired girl said

"Uh guys can wear make as well " I laughed

"Under all that makeup he is wearing there is a ugly motherfucker" the blond haired guys said

"Bitch where seriously it looks like there is only eyeliner and x x on his eyes so what and he is not ugly I think he is pretty handsome now run along" the girl stood up

"Who the hell do you think you are!?" people started to stare

I got scared "My name is y/n I know thats who I am " she laughed

She grabbed my wrist and kicked me in the stomach

"I would fight back but I don't wanna get slut on my hand" people gasped more and she went to swing her fist at me but I caught it

"I would suggest you walk out of here and leave him alone you shouldn't be making fun of people for things they can't change and he is very handsome and is an amazing person so get out of here and don't come back!" she pulled the guy up by the collar and walked out

"I'm so sorry about that my names y/n" he stuck his hand out and still looked stunned
"F-Frank Iero I'm from My chemical romance thank you so much for sticking up for me I was feeling shitty already thank you for doing that" he smiled

"No problem" you looked down "I felt bad so I had to do something I'm actually really shy I just didn't want a guy like you to be peer pressured like that" I giggled softly

"You could have got you fucking ass kicked for me really thank you how could I ever repay you" tapping my chin I come up with and idea

"Why not your number and a small movie date go out for a movie sound good?" Asking politely

"Sure how about dinner as well a I will pay for everthing it's the least I could do" putting his head On his hands I was shocked

"Nope I'll pay for MYSELF and then we have a deal" I smiled at him

"Ok fine but if we do this again I pay" he took out a paper and pen and wrote his number down as well as I

"Thank you see you around" he waved

"You to nice meeting you and thanks again" I waved back

"No problem" I looked at the paper and read it

- i know I have already said this a million times but thank you for saving my ass back there so dinner and a movie tomorrow 6:00pm sound good? Thank you -XXX-XXX-XXXX
~ Frank Iero from MCR


Hope you liked it I think I'm gonna do a part two what do you guys think?
I also hope I didn't suck
Question of the day:

If you saw someone getting made fun of/bullied or beat up would you help?
If it was a celebrity/YouTuber/band member getting mauled by fans would you help?

Thank you Guys so much plz follow 5moreminutesmom  and I

I love you all bye mwaaaa

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