Chapter 1: Willow's Point

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Hey Everyone! All I ask is to please comment and vote for my story if you can. I don't like negative comments and ask you to please refrain from saying mean things. I did not write the poem. I found it online and thought it was beautiful. Enjoy!!!

"So bury me underneath the willow
Under the weeping willow tree
So that he may know where I am sleeping
And perhaps he’ll weep for me"

It was a beautiful day to be out walking. The leaves were just turning bright colors on the trees and the temperature was just right on my bare skin. I loved to walk but hated it when a lot of people were around when I was. Being a loner is all I’ve known since I was sixteen years old. Now at eighteen and a half, it hasn’t changed yet.

Being forced to grow up at such an early age really sucked. I lost friends and my on again off again boyfriend, Mason. I moved away to this small town, Harper’s Cave and just started to like it. I got a job in one day being here working at the local Diner. The tips were good and it kept me alive. I had nothing to really complain about.

I walked the one mile that took me to my favorite spot so far. Willow’s Point cemetery is the towns’ oldest cemetery dating back in the early 1800s. I liked to come here and sit at Addie Wallace’s grave. She had the biggest Weeping Willow tree behind her tomb stone. The willow was tall and hung all the way to the ground creating a hidden area from the rest of the grave yard. Addie had the best area.

I walked through the willow and looked at Addie’s grave. Her tomb stone was dirty so I wiped it with my hand. It read ‘Addie Wallace, Winston’s beloved, 1825. When I first read it, I walked the whole cemetery to find Winston but he wasn’t here. It made me kind of sad that he wasn’t buried with his love.

I sat down and leaned against the sturdy stone and began telling her about my day. I started with the cute guy I seen at the feed store and ended with the tips I made this evening. Everything was going good until I heard voices.

I stood up slowly and strained my ears to hear what they were saying. It was strange to hear anyone out here since me and the cemetery’s keeper, KC, were the only ones who visited on a regular basis. And KC wouldn’t be here until tomorrow morning.

The voices got close enough to where I could make out what was said.

“This is stupid. I need more field work than going out and reading fucking tomb stones.” A man’s voice said. By his voice, he sounded late twenties, early thirties. Most times I was right.

“I agree Laven but if we don’t do this, we lose the chance of catching the bastard.” Another man said. He sounded the same age but his voice was slightly deeper.

Through the willow, I watched where I heard the voices speaking and saw them coming closer. Both were dressed in black and had outfits like what a SWAT team member would wear. Both also had straps around their leg with a gun holstered to it. I began to get a little nervous and backed up. They came closer only stopping to read each stone. Addie’s stone was big but it wouldn’t be able to hide me completely and there was nowhere to run from being seen. I was stuck until they found me.

I sat back down against Addie’s stone like I was just relaxing. They were only a hundred feet in front of me and coming quick. “Shit!” One said and they both stopped. “He is here. 1841, Michael Soratos.”

He took a picture of it with his cell phone and they turned away from me walking back in the direction they came. I was still shaking from that close encounter five minutes later. I never even heard a car pull up or leave.

I made my way out of my hidden spot and went to the grave stone they were so interested in. It read, ‘Here lies Michael Soratos, 1841.’ Whatever was so important about it shouldn’t have given them much information to go on.

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