Chapter 5: Just say it!

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Hey Everyone. I thought I would change it up and give you a little bit of Bain's point of view. Thank you to everyone who has commented and let me know you like it. It means a lot. And thank you to those of you who voted and added my story to your reading list. I am now number 57 on Werewolf stories because of you. Hope you like this chapter...

“Did you hurt him? Who was it?” Kitten asked me concerned.

I turned back around knowing I owed her an explanation. I owed her the truth about me also. My worst fears came true the second I walked into her living room. I could smell him everywhere like he was still there. And what made it worse, he wasn’t human like me. He was a werewolf.

 “He’s fine, Kitten. I’m not going to lie to you anymore. You wanted to know why my eyes glow, it’s because I’m not completely human. I’m what we call a Lycan but others call a Werewolf. There the same in some ways but Lycan’s can shift at any time and we turn full wolf. I’m also the wolf you named Texas,” I said gently.

Kitten finally reacted cupping her mouth with her hand. “Please say you’re lying,” she whispered.

Shaking my head, I removed her hand and cupped her soft delicate cheeks. “No baby, I’m not. I’d show you but I would have to get completely naked. I don’t mind but I’d rather you see me that way when I make you mine officially.”

Her eyes widened and her cheeks turned pink. I loved it and couldn’t help myself when I kissed her full pouty lips. I was addicted to them and never wanted to stop. Everything about her drove me crazy. I pulled back before I lost control.

“Why are you telling me this now?” she asked suspicious. She caught on quick.

“The man who broke in is a Lycan too. He’s not from around here and he’s not talking. You can’t go back to your home. I’ll send Kade to pick up your things and the cat later,” I said busying myself making us a sandwich.

Kitten jumped down from the stool. “What?” she demanded. “I don’t think so, Bain! We might be together but it doesn’t give you the right to run my life,” she yelled angry.

I knew she would be upset but I can’t ever let her leave me. I’m a selfish bastard when it comes to her. And now, another Lycan is interested in my baby. “You’re not going back and that’s final!” I yelled back.

She looked furious and I felt bad. “Fuck you, Bain!” she yelled and ran out. I heard her feet hitting the stairs quickly. I threw the butter knife that was in my hand spreading mustard on the bread. It stuck into the wall vibrating from the force.

“I guess this is a bad time to be interrupting,” Kade said walking in.

“I guess so,” I answered sarcastically. I know I shouldn’t take my anger out on him but it was better him than her. “What is it?”

“I called Roman. When I described the guy to him, he got real quite. He finally said ‘he must have been looking for a mate’. I told him she’s yours and he hung up. Something wasn’t right about it. Whoever Kaitlin knew before moving here, might be the one we got.” Kade explained.

He knew not to say relationship. That could set us off without much control. Roman is the leader in the town she grew up in. The leader knows everyone and their business, just like me. There’s not many of us but we are more powerful than a whole police force in a big city. Killing us is almost impossible but has been done in the past. My only problem with the situation is, I don’t want my Kitten anywhere near the guy, even if it’s to identify him. I have yet to claim her. She’s already mine so I’m taking my time.

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