The Winters wolves

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Hey everyone! You might be surprised or disappointed at the end but I'm very happy with the choice I made. Please read the note at the end because I don't want anyone getting confused.

Also, I wanted to reach out to those of you who reads these messages I write and ask if you could check out a new writer on here. Her names fatimaaakassira and her story is called 'It's Melly'. She needs readers and feedback so help her out.

Chapter 19

 I was so mad and hurt, I didn’t think about what I did next. I just walked in there with my glare on Bain the whole time. As soon as I reached him, I swung my hand to hit him but he caught it.

“What the hell, Kitten!?”

“You almost died!? And you kept that from me!?” I growled, shaking my head.

Bain pulled me closer and tilted my face up to his. He was angry but I could tell he was reigning it in. “I’m sorry but I’m not. You’re pregnant! Why would I tell you shit that would only upset you more?”

“She’s pregnant?” Hadeon asked shocked.

Bain looked up and gave him an evil look. He obviously didn’t like being interrupted. When he looked back down at me, he sighed closing his eyes for a few seconds. When he opened them, he looked calmer but still mad.

“Go wait for me in the room. I’ll be up as soon as I handle this situation down here.”

“I think I’ll stay.” I jerked out of his hold and walked over to Hadeon. “Hi, I’m Kaitlin. And you are?” I asked nicely.

He smiled and took my hand, kissing my knuckles. I could hear Bain growl very quietly. “I’m Hadeon Winters, Bain’s cousin.”

I spun around and narrowed my eyes at Bain. Wonder how many other cousins he has that’s just going to appear.

Bain looked at the floor with his hands in his pockets. So I turned back around to Hadeon. “I’ve heard him mention you but I was eaves dropping at the time. Apparently he doesn’t care to tell me anything. Does he have a wife I need to know about?” I asked sarcastically.

Hadeon laughed but Bain growled. “Kitten, if you don’t get your ass out of here…!”

“I’ve got her,” Connor said before Bain could finish his threat.

He took me by the arm and escorted me out of the room. We walked to the stairs where he stopped. “What’s wrong with you?” Connor scolded me. “There is a time and place to jump his ass but now is not the time!”

I gave Connor the stink eye and wrenched my arm from his grasp. “I don’t give a damn about what’s going on right now! I need my mate, Connor,” I growled.

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to get upset with you. I’m just having a real hard time with Taryn and now Hadeon shows up.”

I nod and pat his arm. “I understand, Connor. I’m mad to at your idiot brother for not letting me know things. But, I really just need to talk to him.”

“I’m right here, Kitten,” Bain said coming around the side of the stairs. Connor took back off to the room to leave us alone.

“Why would you keep something like that from me?” I demanded.

I know my face had to be red with all the anger radiating off of me. I was still itching to slap some sense in him but he was too fast for that. So, if I can’t beat him, I will cuss him.

Willow's Pointजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें