Chapter 13: A Promise he won't break

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Okay Everyone, here's the chapter you've been waiting on but it's short because I haven't gotten to adding more. I have two kids and they are always first. So I decided to go ahead and upload this part so you can at least see whats going on.

 I also dedicated this chapter to BubblyBunnyXO. She has made me a cover for my book but I decided to keep mine so I used it for my picture on the side. Check it out because she's really good.

Laven held the tranquilizer out the window, waiting on the perfect shot of his neck. His window was up but the arrow would go right through the glass. The problem was, he kept moving his head around nervously. We didn’t want to kill him while he was driving with her in the car but we could slowly make him stop before something bad happened. Then, he would die.

I saw my Kitten with widened eyes as she locked on to something he was holding. She raised her bound wrists and hit his hand with them that held a large 45. I knew what was going to happen before he even reacted. I was going to kill the son-of-a-bitch!

Dennis back-handed my little mate hard, causing me to see red. I roared wanting to tear him to pieces right then. Kiiten slumped against the passenger door and looked ready to pass out.

I wanted to ram the car so bad but my baby was in there. I didn’t want one scratch scarring her body. Dennis suddenly slowed down to about 30mph and did the unthinkable. He leaned over quickly and opened the passenger door, pushing Kitten out. I saw her body roll out without getting hit by the tires but came real close.

I slammed on breaks the same time Connor did and scrambled out. My Kitten was lying in the grass, not moving but breathing. I fell to my knees beside her and saw her battered face from the abuse she endured while being with him. Blood began forming on different parts of her body and she was bleeding from her mouth.

For the first time since I was a little boy, I cried just wanting to pick her up and hold her. I was afraid to touch her body and cause her more pain, so I gently touched her hair and softly encouraged her.

“Come on Kitten, open your eyes for me.”

Connor hit his knees on the other side and just stayed quite as Laven was talking to police. He hung up and told us the ambulance was on their way.

“Please baby, don’t do this to me. Just open your eyes and tell me you’re okay. I need you right now,” I choked back a sob.

Her wrists were still bound and Connor pulled his knife out and looked at me to see if it was okay. I nodded not able to speak right now. Very gently, Connor cut the cloth off. Neither one of us could deal with seeing her like that.

I finally got it together and knew I had to be strong for my mate. But if something bad happened to her, I would not be able to live in this world without her.

In the distance, I could hear sirens approaching. I hated the thought of others touching her right now but it would save her life. I had no idea if anything was broken or any internal bleeding. I just hope these paramedics know what they’re doing or I will kill them for hurting my Kitten even more.

They finally pulled up with two police units behind them. Two men shooed me and Connor out of the way as they began working on her. The officers demanded to talk to us but I growled at them, making them back off. Laven intervened and told them the story while I stayed as close as I could to her.

Not once did Kitten move or open her eyes while they worked to make sure nothing was broke. They even told me I wasn’t allowed to go with them because we weren’t married. They were shocked when I sat my ass in the ambulance and demanded them to get her to the hospital. They worked quickly but took their time getting her in.

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