Chapter 8: "Kaitlin the naive"

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Hello! Thank you once again for all the comments and votes. You guys ROCK!!! I hope you're still enjoying this as much as I am writing it. I don't always read what I write so if they are any mistakes, sorry in advance.

“He’s the officer that told me how the fire was started,” I said remembering the nice guy. He was very gentle with me when I broke down in front of him. I even remember him holding me and offering to help me in any way. I declined because I didn’t know him like that. Plus, he looked to be about twenty-three. I was only sixteen. People would have thought bad of us if I let him help me.

“Why are you asking about him?”

Bain looked angry for a split second then schooled his features. “Don’t worry about it. Just trying to figure out some stuff.”

“What did Dennis have to say? Did you hurt him,” I asked concerned.

Bain put me down and stood up. “No, I didn’t hurt him. I’ve got to go to the office for a little while. If you’re leaving this room, come and tell me where you’ll be,” he ordered.

It was almost too hard to resist that order but I didn’t like to be told what to do. Instead of lying to him, I didn’t answer. He left the room after he kissed me on the cheek. Watching him leave was hard because I wanted him to stay. I didn’t want to come off too clingy and him get tired of me.

I waited for him to be gone for a total of a minute and tip toed downstairs. Yeah, I was being a brat. I looked in the kitchen to see if anyone was in there but no one was. I decided to cook these men a real meal if I can find everything. The kitchen was massive.

I searched through all the drawers and cabinets and finally found something worth putting together. I was making them their rare steak, baked potato, and a chocolate cake. They’re just going to have to get over only getting a two course meal. I wasn’t a chef but I did know how to flip a damn steak.

I put the potato’s in first since they would take the longest and started making my cake. So far no one came through. I was making a lot of noise too.

When the cake and potatos were done, I cooked the steaks. I put mine and Bain’s on a tray so I can surprise him with it in his office. I just wasn’t expecting to hear what I heard when I neared his door.

“I think I found where he’s staying. He’s still using the name Michael Soratos too.” Bain said to someone.

“If Hadeon knows you’re onto him, he’ll run and change his name again.” Kade said.

“I’m not going to let him escape this time. He’s family no matter what he has done,” Bain growled.

“You smell that?” Laven asks suddenly. Before I could get away from the door, it was yanked open by Kade. They all looked at me in surprise except Bain. He narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

“I’ll discuss this later,” he said dismissing all of them.

As they walked by me, they eyed the food on the tray. Connor stuck his hand out acting like he was going to steal a piece. “I made more downstairs,” I said and all three raced each other down the hall. Poor things must have been starving.

“Ease dropping now?”

“I…uh, just didn’t want to bother you while you were talking,” I lied a little. I knew I shouldn’t have but I hated him knowing I was being sneaky. Heck, I had to be. He wouldn’t tell me anything.

Bain rubbed his face with his hands. “Don’t lie to me, baby. You would have left right away if you weren’t ease dropping,” he said tired.

When I studied him more thoroughly, he looked worn out. Not physically but mentally. “I’m sorry. I cooked us some food. Are you hungry?” I asked changing the subject.

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