Chapter 18: Dying

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Here it is! I have to tell you, I'm not completely satisfied with this chapter but I've made you wait too long so here it is. Hope you like!


I pulled the gun back out and put it between his eyes. Just before I pulled the trigger, a car skidded to a halt in the road. Looking over my shoulder, a man I have never seen before rolled down the black tinted window of the backseat and sticks out a gun. We had no time to take cover before he let loose a large round of bullets. He was an Alpha like me so he was just as quick. I felt a silver bullet pierce the back of my leg and one hit my side.

I heard the car spinning tires as they peeled away. I fell to the pavement and rolled over, looking up at the night’s sky. I heard Connor yell, “Noooooo!”

He fell to his knees beside me and began trying to dig out the bullet from my side with his knife before it took my life.

“Hold on Bain, don’t you leave me!” 

When I saw him panicking with tears in his eyes, I stayed his hand until Kade took the knife from him to do the same. Connor just stared at the wound in my side as Kade dug it out. They had no idea I was shot in the back of the leg too. But, it doesn’t matter. As soon as the blood hits my heart, I’m gone.

I felt my body shutting down and all I could think about was my Kitten. She expected me to come home to her. And I would if I could. Now that she’s pregnant with my child, she’ll be left alone to raise it without me. I was angry at myself for not watching my back like I normally do.

My eyes shut against my will and Kade, Connor, and Laven were all yelling at me to wake up. I heard a different voice join the mix and it sounded just like Jace. He was yelling at them to move and they were yelling back, fighting with him.

Suddenly I felt something slam into my chest. I coughed several times and found the strength to open my eyes. When I did, Jace was leaning over me with a syringe stuck in my heart. 

“You going to be fine man,” he said with relief on his face.

Very slowly my muscles began working again and I was able to turn my head to Connor. I tried to speak but it was hard. I needed to tell them about the second bullet.

I raised my knee up and pointed at my leg. Connor finally looked and cursed.

“Dammit,” he said picking up the knife and dug it out.  

Jace cursed too not knowing if what he shot me with will still work with another bullet still tainting my blood.

“Get him in the room!” Jace demanded over his shoulder. I saw him stand back up and walk over to where his brother was still standing. He punched him and ordered his men to take him.

Connor and Laven picked me up and helped me walk inside the motel room. Dennis was still lying on the ground, a bloody mess. If I had the strength, I would finish the job.

They set me on the bed and tried laying me down but I growled. I didn’t like being this weak but I did almost die. Connor nodded at Laven and they let go with me still sitting in a hunch position.

Jace came in with Kade on his heels. “Don’t take that out,” he pointed at my chest where the needle was still stuck in my heart. “He needs to keep it in until he gains his full strength back. It will kill all Alpha blood and silver toxins that try to attack it.”

“What did you give him?” Kade demanded pissed off at Jace and the whole situation.

“Something someone made me a long time ago. I’ve never tried it myself on anyone but I heard it does work. I don’t even know what’s in it but I see now with my own eyes that it works,” he said staring at me in wonder.

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