Chapter 2: He's infuriating

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Hey Everybody! I hope you're enjoying the story. I will be uploading every two days as long as I can get some likes and comments. So please comment and vote...

I also want to ask my readers if you could check out a good friend of mines story on here. She's new too and needs some feedback. Her names 'HAMMERBABE' and her story is 'A GIRL THAT IS DIFFERENT FROM EVERYONE' Check her out!

That's my version of Bain on the side ----------->

A huge black wolf with a silver streak down its back was standing there. It wasn’t growling but it looked very scary, especially with the fact that it wasn’t normal size. It was as tall as me and stood just thirty feet from me.

I decided to move back slowly and took my first step. It followed staring at me with glowing green eyes. I did it again but took three steps and it did also, imitating me. So I kept going back, not stopping for nothing. The wolf followed me with its eyes trained on my face. After what felt like five minutes, I turned around but looked over my shoulder. It scared the shit out of me when it caught up with me. I almost screamed and took off running. It walked beside me quietly acting like a friendly dog. I looked down and seen it was a male wolf. I hoped it didn’t think I was his girlfriend. That would be weird.

Something moved in the bushes in front of us and the wolf jetted in front of me forcing me to stop. He growled at the noise until a rat ran out scared. I couldn’t believe what just happened. The wolf was protecting me.

When he saw the rat it moved to the side to let me start walking again. I did and he stayed beside me like before. “Why are you protecting me?” I asked in a whisper not expecting him to really talk.

The wolf cocked his head listening to me. “I should be your supper,” I said jokingly with a soft voice. I was scared I would startle him into wanting to attack me.

He growled softly at that and looked away. We made it to the end where my house was across the street. I kept walking and saw he stayed behind. I stopped and smiled at the big beast. It almost made me cry that I had to leave him. I wanted to keep him like a little girl wants her first puppy.

I walked back to him and slowly outstretched my arm. He cocked his head to the side and let me touch his fur. It wasn’t as soft as a bunny but he sure wasn’t a rabbit. I petted his head and said good bye. I walked away and went to the house. When I got there, I looked back once more and he was gone. I hoped I would see him again soon. The wolf already owned a piece of my heart. I couldn’t wait to tell Addie.

 The next morning I got ready and heard a horn blow outside. I sighed knowing it was Bain. To be honest with myself, I wanted to see him. I would never admit that out loud though. He made me curious and he was new. He has forced himself in my life whether I like it or not. Anyone else would have got their feelings hurt. His was made of stone, I guess.

 I walked out locking my door. He was standing at the passenger door waiting on me. “I can get in myself,” I said with attitude.

He picked me up anyways and put me in closing the door. He got in and took off not saying anything. I hated it being this quiet. It felt too awkward. “So, you’re Bain?” I asked looking at him. He was wearing dark worn jeans that fit him perfectly, a black shirt that showed off his muscular physique and black boots. His hair was messy but it looked good on him. I could look at him all day long and never get tired doing it.

“So, you’re Kitten?” Bain said copying me.

“Don’t call me that! My name is Kaitlin! K-A-I-T-L-I-N.”

Bain looked at me like I better shut up so I did. When we arrived, I waited for him to open my door. He put his warm hands around my waist and picked me up. The truck had a step ladder but he must have thought I couldn’t use it. He put me down gently and slowly slid his hands free. The move caused chills to run up my spine. Neither one of us moved for a few seconds. I just stared at my feet feeling embarrassed but turned on. My cheeks were flushed at the moment and I didn’t want him to see so I ran in the diner like a chicken instead of confronting it head on.

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