Chapter 3: The Gentleman

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I was shocked. I would I have never guessed in a million years Bain was his grandson. Thank god I wasn’t cussing about him. I did call him infuriating but it didn’t bother KC.

“So you’re a Winters?” I ask fiddling with my fingers.

“No, I’m a Thyne. I’m his mother’s father.” KC said and went to the next stone. “I will give you a little advice though. Whatever you do, don’t run from him.”

Don’t run from him? The other day I left work without him, I thought he was going to bust a vein. What would happen if I really ran? He acts as if we are together and even kissed me like it. Tonight, I’m getting answers one way or another.

“Thank you for talking with me KC and the advice. I’m going to go talk with Addie now,” I said and waved.

“Alright sweetheart. Don’t go waiting a week to come see me.”

I nodded and went to visit my imaginary friend. Most people might think it’s weird that I talk with a woman that’s been dead for almost two centuries but it gives me a chance to get things off my chest. If I was back home, I would be talking with my mama.

I sat at Addie’s stone and talked for over two hours telling her about Bain and the wolf. I told her things that I was too afraid to say out loud at first. Bain might be a little on the controlling side but I secretly liked it. When I see him for the first time in the morning or afternoon, I’m excited. When he touches me, I don’t want him to stop. I’ve been doomed from the first time he called me kitten to the first time he kissed me. I already belong to him even if he rejects me later.

I told Addie bye and waved at KC. I walked the long trail back home slowly to see if the wolf would show. It never did and I was very disappointed. It was night when I saw it so maybe that’s the only time it comes around. I made the plan tomorrow night to come back to find my protector.

When I got home it was after one. I went ahead and took a shower and got out not knowing what to wear. I sifted through my closet and kept coming up with plain clothes. Suddenly I remembered the blue sun dress I had folded up in my drawer. I grabbed it out and ironed it. It was still as beautiful as the day mama bought it for me. I put it on and did a twirl in the mirror. I finished getting ready with light make-up, wedges, and a small blue jean jacket. I looked good for once.

I waited with muffin on the couch for Bain to come. Right at five on the dot Bain pulls up. He didn’t blow the horn this time; he got out and knocked on the door. I opened the door and there he stood in relaxed fitted jeans, his combat boots, and a dark grey shirt. He wasn’t dressed for a date. He was dressed as what you see is what you get. I felt overly dressed now and was ready to change.

“You look very beautiful Kitten. Come on, let’s go,” he said taking my hand. My cheeks flushed as I said thanks. I shut the door and locked it and let Bain take me to the truck. The wind was blowing more than it was earlier which caused a slight chill in the air. I knew I would be freezing by the end of the date.

Bain held my hand as I climbed up in his tall truck. He was being a complete gentleman and not an ass. I smiled at him sweetly as he let go of my hand. He smiled back before closing the door but it was a crooked one.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked when he got in.

“Lycan’s Cave,” he said and glanced at me. “It’s a private bar and grill I own on the edge of town.”

Willow's Pointजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें