France: June 7th, 1944 (Morning)

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June 7th, 1944 (Morning)

Joe and Josie made their way back to the farmhouse just before dawn. It was a lot easier getting there with the cover of darkness and didn't run into any problem. They needed to work out details for their attack on the bridge before heading out the following night. When they got there, Joe gathered together the men to explain their new mission but let Josie take the lead in giving out the details.

"Here's the situation. The Resistance has been working on sabotaging anything and everything we could to slow down the Germans leading up to the invasion. Railroads, roadways, and communication lines were all targeted. My people made a mess of this roadway here. We figured it would be enough to slow the Germans down without having to destroy this bridge here." She pointed out the locations on the map she had laid out on the pile of hay they were using as a makeshift table. "We wanted to keep that bridge operational for the Allies moving forward since there isn't another strong point to cross for quite a distance on either side. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be an option anymore." She said regretfully. "The Germans have been working overtime to clear up this road and for a good reason. Last I saw of troop placements, there is a SS Panzer division stationed right along here. They need this roadway to bring them down to the frontlines and I believe that's exactly what they're planning to do." She explained and watched as the group of soldiers nodded in understanding.

"So we're going to stop them." Joe took over for a moment. "I don't have to tell you guys how devastating those tanks would be to our boys coming off the beach. We're going to lend some extra man power to the Resistance and tonight we're going to blow that bridge before the tanks can cross it. It might not stop them but it will delay them and that's what our guys need right now." With a nod in her direction Josie took over once again.

"I sent out scouts to get a better idea of the guard situation but there should be between 4-6 guards with plenty of reinforcements close by. We have to take out the guards silently so no gun fire. Then cover my guys as they plant the charges to blow the bridge." She turned to look at Joe with a patronizing smile. "How are your guys with hand to hand combat?"

"We'll be just fine, sweetheart." Joe told her with a grin knowing she was just trying to work him up.

"I don't know, hotshot I've never seen you in action." She told him with a shake of her head.

"We're airborne...enough said." Joe told her standing a bit straighter and crossing his arms. The rest of the group let out grunts of agreement to his statement.

But the playfulness of their exchange was turned sour when Murphy decided to speak up. Murphy was a tall, lanky guy with too much attitude. He had injured his ankle when he landed and now sat on a pile of hay with his ankle wrapped up as he puffed away on a cigarette.

"I think it's pretty funny that some broad comes in here barking orders and questioning our abilities. You want us to go out there with just you and some farmers to watch our backs?" He chuckled at his own comments not really caring about the response he would get.

He held his cigarette up to take another inhale but was stopped as something flew past his head and knocked it out of his hand. He turned and saw the still burning cigarette embedded into the barn wall behind him. A small blade held it in place. He turned back around slowly to see the stunned faces of the other men as he looked for an answer. That's when he saw Josie twirling a second blade in her hand identical to the one in the wall and Joe standing next to her with a smirk.

"Any other questions?" Josie said sweetly as she looked around the room. Joe was trying to hold in his laughter at this point as he saw the looks on the other men's faces. He never had to question Josie's abilities. He had seen them first hand and he knew she could handle herself in a fight. "By the way..." Josie said turning her attention back to Murphy who seemed afraid to speak. "...only one of them is a farmer. There's also an engineer, a carpenter and a professor of mathematics and that's just the guys that are in this room." Murphy just nodded silently and looked away.

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