Fort Bragg, North Carolina: January, 1946

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"Hubba hubba, check out the dame by the gates." One of the guys called out while the rest were still busy working.

The 82nd Airborne Division was finally being brought home after months of occupying Berlin. They were exhausted and burnt out. Everyone was just ready to be home and get back to their normal lives now that the war was finally over. Joe's battalion had just arrived back at Fort Bragg and they were still busy unloading the planes.

Most of the guys were eager to get done with the last of their duties as members of the United States Army. They were ready to get discharged and start working on getting transport back to wherever it was that they called home. For Joe and a few others that had decided to stay with the 82nd, North Carolina was now their new home. Joe was just hoping to get some leave soon so he could go find his girl.

"Oh man, is she one of your wives or something?" Another guy commented as he looked over to the gate as well.

"No way would she be able to get in here, let alone know when we were getting back." Montaruli told them as he dropped the duffle bag he was holding on the ground by his feet not even bothering to look at the woman they were talking about.

"So she's up for grabs then." They first guy said with a waggle of his eyebrows.

"Holy shit, is that...?" Murphy had just walked over to see what the commotion was all about. He couldn't believe his eyes as he recognized the woman by the gates.

Montaruli finally looked up at Murphy's words and his mouth dropped open in shock. "No way."

"What? You know her?" The guy asked confused by the men's reactions.

"Joe? I think you should get out here!" Murphy called out to the man in question as he was busy supervising the unloading of the plane.

"What?" He asked slightly irritated to be called away.

"You have a visitor." Montaruli told him with a smirk as he nodded his head towards the gates.

Joe looked over and felt the breath leave his body at the sight he saw. There she was. His dream girl was standing at the gates waiting for him. He didn't think it was possible but he swore she was even more stunning than before. She wore a navy blue dress with a belt that showed off her perfect curves. Her white gloves matched the collar of the dress while the blue heels showcased her long legs. Her hair was immaculate and the matching hat with red and white detailing was perched at the perfect angle on her head. Her red lips pulled back into a big smile as soon as they locked eyes. Even with the distance, Joe swore he could still see the sparkle of her blue eyes.

Without a word, he began to walk over to her as the others watched on in silence. He took slow cautious step as if he was afraid that if he moved too fast she would disappear. Meanwhile, Josie felt like she was going to die from the anticipation of finally being with him again. She was a bundle of nerves not knowing how their reunion would play out. A part of her just wanted to run into his arms and never let go but she controlled herself and waited for him.

"Hello there, Soldier." She spoke once he had made his way to her. Joe inwardly moaned at the sound of that familiar greeting coming from her lips. She really was here in front of him and he couldn't help but chuckle a little in relief.

"Lucky for you I decided to stay in the Army otherwise you'd have to find another nickname for me." He told her with a smirk.

"It wouldn't have mattered, either way I'd still call you Soldier."

"I have no doubt."

"You're a hard man to see." She said after a moment. Both of them seemed unsure of how to act after being separated for the last year.

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