France: June 9th, 1944 (Evening)

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After leaving the group of rescued soldier, Josie headed home as quickly as possible. She figured Christoph would be back sometime today so she didn't want to take a chance in missing him again. She went inside her home and let out a small sigh. It seemed different now. Joe had only been with her a few days but his presence in her house had become a comforting thing. Now walking about she realized how much she missed him.

Choosing not to drown in her sorrows, Josie focused herself on the future. There was still work to be done. There always was. She started stripping off her dirty clothes as she walked over to the phone. After making a quick call to her neighbor, she was relieved to know that Christoph hadn't stopped by while she was out. She quickly stashed the men's clothing she had been wearing in the compartment in her bedroom wall before heading into the bathroom to take a much deserved bath.

She hadn't been soaking in the soothing water for long before she heard the pounded on her front door. Josie wanted so badly to ignore whoever it was disturbing her peace but when she heard the familiar German accent yelling for her to open up, she knew that wasn't an option. Groaning she picked herself out of the water and grabbed her robe tying it tightly around herself. She wished she had the time to put on clothes but with the increasing banging on the door she knew she had to open it quickly before Christoph broke it down.

Josie's body dripped water along the floor as she hurried to the door. With one last steadying breath she threw the door open to find a red faced Christoph. His hand was raised in the air about to hit the door once again. He stormed into the house slamming the door behind him as he started down Josie with dark eyes.

"Why have you not answered the phone!" He demanded to know, his breathing was shallow as he seemed to creep towards her.

"I was in the bath." Josie defended taking a few steps back and holding the robe tightly against her body. Christoph's eyes roamed over Josie's form taking in her wet hair and bare legs just slightly exposed beneath her robe.

"Pack your things we're leaving." He told her as his breathing calmed down. Apparently, he was satisfied with her answer.

"What? What are you talking about?" She looked at him with confusion not sure what he meant. He had never taken her anywhere and she didn't expect that to change.

"The Americans are on their way here. How do you think they will treat you knowing you openly welcomed me into your bed?" His words were dark as he narrowed his eyes on her. She knew that the Allies were pushing through but she didn't think Christoph would run so quickly.

"I will deal with whatever arises but I'm not leaving, Christoph. This is my home." She told him defiantly as she held her head up to face him. It only took a single moment for her to realize what a mistake that was.

It all seemed to happen so fast. She barely had time to register his hand being lifted up to strike before she felt the crashing pain of his hit. Josie hit the floor hard from the force of the blow and stayed there holding her face as she tried to keep in her cries. She looked up slowly, barely gazing at the man through her lashes as she wondered what was going to happen next. Christoph always had a violent side but never had he struck her with such force. Obviously, the Allies were doing their job if he was feeling this much pressure.

"You are mine! And I will not allow the Americans to get their dirty hands on what belongs to me. Now pack your things. We leave in an hour. Understood?" He spat the words out with anger as he stood over her crumpled form on the floor.

"Yes." Josie whispered as she turned her gaze back down to the floor.

"Good." With that one word Christoph turned and stormed out of Josie's house slamming the door behind him.

Josie stayed on the floor until she heard his car start and drive off. Slowly she picked herself up wincing as she felt the pain radiating through her face. She managed to get to the phone and quickly called Pierre over before she made her way to her bedroom to get dressed.

It only took Pierre a few minutes to get to Josie's house after hearing the urgency in her voice. He let himself in as she had requested and found her in the bedroom throwing clothes into a suitcase. He saw the growing welt on her face and walked over to grab her face and examine it.

"What happened?" He asked as he sat her down on the bed to get a better look at her face.

Josie pushed his hands away not having the time to let him play doctor. "Christoph is leaving and taking me with him." She told him before pushing herself off the bed to resume her packing.

"Josephine, this is not a good idea." His disapproving voice made Josie smile for a brief moment as it reminded her so much of her father. Pierre might take orders from her but he had quickly fallen into the role of concerned father figure with her. He was her first point of contact with the Resistance in the area. He had just lost his only son at the hands of the Germans and was still feeling the loss when Josie showed up. He protected and guided her those early months and was now her most trusted friend.

Josie trusted Pierre with her life just as she did with any member of her inner circle. Very few members of the Resistance worked directly with Josie. She tended to use a lot of go betweens for safety reasons. The Germans would love to get their hands on an American intelligence agent and she wasn't about to let that happened by over exposing herself. Those few she did deal with on a daily basis had to meet several criteria, the most important having been to have lost someone to the Germans. That pain and loss was a driving force for so many and it ensured they were more likely to be loyal to the cause.

"I stay close and I retain access to all the information available to him. This is a good thing. I never thought he would choose to bring me with him when he eventually tucked tail and ran." She explained trying to defend her decision but she could see in her friend's eyes that he was not going to be easily convinced.

"You will have no support and if he takes you out of France you won't even have the Resistance to rely on for help. How do you even expect to get information through without our network?" He could have easily spent all day listing off the many reason why leaving with the German was a bad idea.

"I'll figure it out as I go. Maybe at the very least I can cause a little trouble along the way. But I have to do this. I have to see this through to the end. Your country is on its way to freedom, Pierre. Your fight is almost over." She told him with a smile trying to focus on the end goal. The Allies were finally in France and after years of living under Germany's thumb they were on their way to freedom.

"It can be almost over for you too. Stay and we can watch France be liberated together." He pleaded as he took her hands in his and held them tightly.

"I'm sorry, my friend. Take care of things here and keep fighting until the last German is off French soil." Sadness filled her voice as she pulled her hands free. She had to say a lot of tough goodbyes lately and it was starting to get to her.

"Of course." Pierre nodded before leaning over to kiss her cheek. Then he was gone and Josie went back to packing her things. She had no idea what the future would hold for her but she was determined to do what she could for as long as possible.

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