Belgium: December, 1944

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Josie was finding it hard not to laugh as she listened to the argument. It wasn't so much that it was a hilarious exchange. It was more that the reality of the situation was setting in and it seemed she was choosing to deal with it through the laughter bubbling just below the surface. Christoph continued to practically yell into the phone trying to use every excuse he could think of to change the mind of whoever he was speaking to. He wanted out of Belgium and to be brought back to Germany but it seemed that was not going to happen. The sounds of the explosions were getting closer and the walls of the room shook a bit with each concussive boom.

With one last anger filled exchange, Christoph slammed the phone back on the receiver. He had his back to Josephine who was sitting on the lounge watching his every move. Ever muscle in his body seemed tense as he stood there still clutching the phone tightly in his hand. Suddenly, she just couldn't control it anymore and let out a loud laugh. Christoph straightened up at the sound and turned slowly to face Josephine.

"What is so funny to you?" He asked with a dark, menacing glare.

"Can't tuck tail and run anymore, Christoph. Your favors have run out and the Americans are on your doorstep. It's the end of the line for you, my dear." Josie told him with a smile. Her words were spoken in English and she watched as the realization hit Christoph. He knew English well enough to understand her and she was enjoying watching his reality crash down around him.

"American?" He spit the single word out with so much disgust that Josie was surprised he didn't choke on it. He was taking slow steps towards her but Josie didn't even flinch at his approach.

"Yes. And may I just express my deepest gratitude for all the help you have provided not only for the Resistance but for the Allied forces as well. Uncle Sam thanks you for your service." She was probably enjoying her big reveal a little too much but it had been nearly two years in the making. Christoph didn't hesitate as he struck her hard across the face. Josie fell back as Christoph looked at her with a sadistic smile.

"And that's the last time you will ever hit me." She said coldly as she wiped the blood from her lip.

"I will kill you!" He declared as he lunged forward to wrap his hands around her neck.

Josie reacted quickly as she knew what was coming. Putting her foot up between them, she pushed Christoph back causing him to land hard on the floor. She got up and moved over to him and gave a quick kick to his face that sent his head snapping back. Before he could react she kicked him again in the stomach and that's when she felt his hand grip on to her ankle. He pulled her down knocking her shoe off in the process.

Christoph had the upper hand as he climbed over her and grabbed her neck. Josie just stared him in the eyes as he applied pressure. He didn't see her reaching out for her lost shoe. Grabbing the shoe she pulled out the hidden blade in the heel. Without hesitation, she jabbed the knife between his ribs right where it needed to go. His eyes widened as he felt the blade cut through his flesh. As his grip began to loosen, Josie pushed him off of her. She sat up taking some much needed breaths as she rubbed her neck.

Pulling out a second knife that had been hidden in her dress, Josie walked over to where Christoph lay on the floor with the blade sticking out of his chest. He didn't cry out nor did he try to alert anyone else in the building. He just silently stared with hate filled eyes as his breathing began to become shallow.

"All along you thought you were in control. That you held all the power and I was just your plaything." Josie told him calmly as she pushed a piece of his blonde hair off his face. "You never had control of me. I used you all this time and you never had a clue. How sad. So sorry you won't get to see the final fall of the Reich. But take solace in knowing that your help is what lead to its downfall. And now you'll die at my hands and be forgotten." His eyes flickered down to her stomach before meeting hers again. She smiled as she placed a protective hand on the bump there. "Oh and don't worry about us." She said sweetly as she pulled the smaller blade from his chest. "You're not even the father." With those final words she plunged the large knife she had and twisted it before pulling it free.

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