June 7th, 1944 (Night)

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"So why Nemesis?" Joe asked casually as he held Josie close to him. Despite everything that had happened that night sleep seemed to elude them both. They lay together in Josie's bed wide awake as they watched the morning light seeping through the edges of the curtains.

"Do you not know your Greek mythology, Soldier?" Josie asked with a smile.

"Refresh my memory." He laughed.

"Nemesis was the goddess of divine justice. I figured the Nazis needed a bit of justice dealt to them."

"You are one hell of a woman, you know that?" Joe smiled and leaned down a bit to place a kiss on her forehead.

A knock sounded at the door and Joe instantly tightened his hold around her. She placed her hand on his chest and pushed herself up. Looking at the clock she knew exactly who it was.

"It's just Pierre, again." She told Joe and quickly got up and got dressed. She had planned for Pierre to come by that morning to give her an update once they got a little more information in on the location of troops.

Once she was dressed Josie headed out to open the door and let her friend in. Joe was still buttoning up his shirt when he walked out to join them. Josie and Pierre were speaking animatedly as they looked over a map spread out on the table. Walking over to them, Josie finally noticed his arrival and looked up with serious eyes.

"Okay, here's what we know so far. Germans are moving in troops and heavy artillery through these roads. Trains have been a no go with the heavy Allied bombing. Clusters of Americans have gathered here and here and probably elsewhere but we don't have any information on it yet." She gave him a quick rundown as she pointed a delicate finger to various places on the map.

"Do you know any of the information on what battalions or divisions these guys are from? It would give us a better understanding of what were working with." He asked hoping more men from his battalion were nearby.

"We don't have that information right now it's kind of a jumbled mess out there." She told him before talking to Pierre once more. He watched as Pierre stood up straighter and spoke while pointing to his upper sleeve. "But apparently the group gathered here all have eagles on their arms." Josie said translating for Pierre.

"They're 101st. Good to know." Joe said with a nod as he processed that information. "What about the beach landings? Have you heard anything? We were supposed to be their support."

"Word has reached us about that. The beaches have been secured but with heavy casualties. It's quite an impressive from what's being said just the sight of all the ships in the water."

"We have to get out there." Joe said with determination.

"I know. There's seems to be a decent group forming in a town east of us with a pretty important bridge located there. They've made a move to secure it to stop German supply lines from getting through. They're holding it for now but could probably use some reinforcements." After listening to everything Pierre had told her she knew that location was their best chance to get Joe and his men back to action. There wasn't a strong Resistance presence in that area so she knew the paratroopers were going to need all the help they could get.

"The troops from the beach should be close to their location by now." Joe said narrowing his eyes as he studied the map. They had gone over the timetables when they were briefed and the frontlines should have been a lot closer than Josie was making it seem.

"Things don't always go as planned especially during war." She told him not bothering to look up from the map.

"Can you get us there?" Joe asked turning all of his attention to her. If the troops were delayed that much, than Josie was right when she said they were going to need reinforcements to hold that bridge.

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