France: June 8th, 1944(Afternoon)

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June 8th, 1944 (Afternoon)

The plans had been made. No one knew for sure if they would be able to get the men where they needed to go but it was their best shot. Pierre and Josie mapped out the best course to take them based on the information they had. The Germans were moving constantly and odds were that they would have to change course at some point but for now they had a plan.

Joe was just finishing packing up his gear when a knock sounded at the door. Josie looked up and shook her head not knowing who it could be. Joe grabbed his things silently and high tailed it into her bedroom. He closed the door but left it cracked enough so he could see what was happening. Josie went to the window peering outside and visibly relaxed as she recognized her visitor.

"Richard?" She questioned confused to see the man before her. Richard was shorter than Josie by just a little bit but he was quite fit for his age. He still had a youthful look that was only added to by his shaggy brown hair.

"May I come in?" He asked in perfect English. Richard always spoke English with Josie. It was one of his rare chances to practice the language he had been studying before the Germans came.

"Of course but you know you shouldn't be here." She said still worried as she ushered him inside. Richard took off his cap and began nervously twisting it in his hands.

"I want to help." He told her cutting straight to the chase.

"What? I thought..." She began to question as she shook her head not understanding.

"She's dead, Josephine. I just got word. Claire is dead." Richard interrupted her. Josie watched as darkness fill the boy's eyes when those words fell from his lips and once again she felt her heartbreaking.

"Richard, I'm so sorry." She said with sorrow filled words.

"She was right all along. I should have stayed in Paris with her."

"You needed to watch out for your family." Josie tried to reason with him but it was obviously useless. The poor kid was in pain and this was the only way he knew how to deal with it.

"And what about my country?" He asked his voice nearly breaking. "I'm ready now. I will fight and die for France if I have to." He declared standing a bit taller.

"Richard..." Josie began to say as she searched for the right words. She wanted to send him back to his mother in order to stop the foolish ideas of a heartbroken man.

"I know you've been looking for someone who speaks English. You need a translator for those men and I can do that." He told her daring her to deny it.

"Know anything about fighting?" Joe asked as he stepped out from the bedroom. Richard's eyes widened for a moment surprised by his sudden appearance but quickly hid it.

"Maybe not but I'm a decent shot. I grew up quail hunting with my father." He told him and Joe nodded in thought as he walked over to stand beside Josie.

"Germans are a little different than birds but I guess it will do." He finally said with a shrug.

"Do your parents know?" Josie asked still not liking the idea.

"Yes. They are not happy but they understand."

"Fine." Josie said after a moment of thought. She could see Richard's determination. He needed this now more than ever. He needed to have a purpose and to fight because it was the only way he was going to survive the loss he had suffered. "Welcome to the Resistance." She said holding out her hand which Richard happily took. "Come on let me properly introduce you." She said pulling Joe forward. "Richard Lombaer, I'd like you to meet Sargeant Joe Callahan. He's in charge of this little rag tag group for now so he'll be the one you'll be dealing with directly."

"Lombaer?" Joe asked as he heard the familiar name.

"He's my cousin." Josie informed him with a small smile. Joe shook hands with him as understanding dawned on him.

"Then I guess I'll have to keep an eye out for you." He told Richard.

"I can take care of myself." He defended never liking being treated as a child.

"I have no doubt." Joe smiled.

"Richard, go home get something to eat and say your goodbyes. They're leaving tonight so be at Jean's farm in an hour." Josie gave him the orders.

"Understood." He gave a curt nod before heading towards the door.

"And bring your hunting rifle and any ammunition you have." She called out just before he left.

"Who's Claire?" Joe asked once they were alone again.

"His fiancé." Josie said sadly.

"Poor kid." Joe shook his head and looked down at the floor.

"They met at university in Paris but when the Germans came he wanted to come back here and make sure his parents were alright. She insisted on staying and joined the Resistance." Josie explained further. Joe opened his arms in silent invitation which Josie quickly accepted. She was going to steal every moment of his touch that she could because after tonight she knew she would probably never see him again.

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