England: July, 1944

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To say that Joe was frustrated would be an understatement. He was currently stuck in a hospital bed in England recuperating from his wounds. After meeting up with the group from the 101st, Joe and the others managed to hold the bridge until the troops from the beach arrived. They continued moving forward liberating town after town and pushing the Germans further back. It was just outside of one of those towns that Joe had gotten injured.

They were making their way through a field when the guy to his right set off a Bouncing Betty mine. Everyone keeps telling him that he was lucky but that wasn't how Joe felt. He had a shattered arm, multiple shrapnel wounds and a pretty nasty concussion to top it all off. So here he was trapped in the white washed and overly sanitized hell that was the hospital. He got three square meals a day and a nice bed to sleep in every night while other men were fighting and dying. He wanted nothing more than to go back.

Joe was too busy staring up at the ceiling and feeling sorry for himself to notice he had a visitor. It wasn't until the man spoke that Joe saw the familiar face smiling at him. "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

"First Sergeant! It's good to see you." Joe said with excitement as he sat himself up in the bed to greet him.

"You too." Ed said as he stepped forward shaking Joe's good hand before taking a seat beside his bed.

"I was worried you hadn't made it." Things had been such a mess that Joe and they others were put where ever they were needed at the time. They never got a chance to regroup with the rest of their people before Joe was injured and sent back.

"Had a little bit of help with that. By the way Josie Girl says hi." Ed said with a bit of a smirk. He watched as Joe's face broke into a huge grin at the mention of her name and Ed knew he had to find out the details. "I feel like there is quite the story you need to share with me."

"You have no idea. Got some time?" Joe asked shaking his head as he thought about where to even begin.

"I'm all ears." Ed leaned back in his chair making himself comfortable.

"We'll it all started back in the states..." Joe told the story, the whole story. He told his friend about the beautiful WAAC he had met one night and then how she came to his rescue after the jump. He explained how they became involved but kept the more personal details to himself because he was after all a gentleman.

Ed let out a low whistle once Joe was finished telling his tale. "That is one hell of a woman you've got yourself mixed up with."

"I know and I've fallen hard for her." Joe said as he stared off for a moment lost in thought.

"Poor bastard." Ed laughed. He didn't need to hear the words to know the poor guy was head over heels in love with the girl. It was written all over his face whenever he spoke of her.

"Thanks." Joe couldn't help but laugh with him.

"So when are you going to be set free?" That was the question Joe kept asking as well but no one would give him a straight answer.

"Soon I hope. Can't let the rest of you have all the fun." He said smiling.

"Well, we're back for some much deserved rest, so hopefully you'll be up and ready to go the next round." Ed stood and clapped his hand on Joe's back before saying his goodbyes.

When September came around and the 82nd was called in for another jump, Joe still hadn't been cleared by doctors to resume his duties. Operation Market Garden would be done without Joe Callahan. When he got word, Joe trashed his room in frustration. He would swear up and down that he was fine but it didn't matter. He wasn't cleared to go so he was left behind as the rest of his guys loaded up and headed out.

He had to sit and wait to hear what happened. He would have to deal with the overwhelming guilt as he heard of all the deaths. So many good men and friends lost while he was stuck on the sidelines. They lost Davidson and Smith in Holland and Joe would always be left wondering if they would have made it had he been there fighting with them.

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