France: June 9th, 1944

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This was not how he expected things to go. When Edward had jumped out of the plane he never expected to land in the town center. If he ever got his hands on any of those pathfinders, he was going to ring their necks. His parachute got caught up on the roof of a house and he was instantly surrounded by Germans. He had no choice but to surrender although at this point he was wondering if he should have just let them shoot him where he hung.

Now here he was in the back of a Jerry truck with five other paratroopers being transported to God knows where. All he knew was it wasn't going to be pleasant wherever it was. That was to say if this wasn't just a one way trip. They had all heard stories of the atrocities the Germans committed. They had no regard for the rules of war and therefore Ed wouldn't be shocked if they were just taking them out to a field to be executed. What a way to go out, he thought to himself as the truck hit a large bump in the road.

Suddenly, the truck slowed down and came to a stop. This was it, he thought. They hadn't been travelling very long so he knew they couldn't be at a prison camp already. He heard the two Jerrys up front start to argue as their doors opened and closed. He didn't think too much of it until the first gunshot was heard. All the men instantly lifted their heads and tried to get a look outside as the gunfire continued. The two guards in the back with them went to leave but as soon as they stuck their heads out they were met with a bullet each.

The group of soldiers stayed frozen to their spots waiting to see what happened next. Obviously, whoever was out there hated the Germans as much as them. It was just a moment before the flap covering the back of the truck was flung open and someone appeared. Ed could tell from his close proximity that it was a woman but she was wearing men's clothing with a cap covering her hair. She had a rifle in her arms as she looked around the truck. Evidently satisfied that it was clear she put the strap of the rifle on her shoulder and smiled. Ed had to admit to himself that she was quite beautiful as they all looked her over. It seemed the Resistance had found them and he was thankful for that. Now he just had to hope that someone with them spoke some English.

"Hello, boys. Welcome to France." The woman spoke with a huge grin as she pulled off her cap and shook her hair loose.

"You're American?" Ed spoke out with wide eyes as he heard her speak.

"You're a woman!" Another man said from the back of the truck.

"Very observant but you can tell me more later. For now we need to get you guys out of here." Josie said as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Do you have any injured?" She asked turning to Ed.

"Nothing we can't handle." He said as he got up and started leading the men out.

"Okay. Then let's move." She nodded before giving a whistle. Ed looked around at the dead Germans and the large tree that was currently blocking the road. Then he looked on in amazement when he realized that only two men accompanied the woman.

Leading the group straight into the words, they walked a ways before stopping at a small shack in the middle of the forested area. The woman talked for a moment with the men she was with and Ed took that time to check on the rest of the guys. Some of them had been injured but nothing too serious. It didn't mean they were up for the amount of walking they were doing but they had to do whatever was necessary.

"You must be First Sargeant Craine." Ed turned to face the woman shocked that she knew his name.

"Do I know you?" He questioned with narrowed eyes not quite trusting the situation.

"No, but we have a mutual friend." She said with a smile.

"And that would be?"

"Sargeant Callahan."

"Joe?" He had to double check that he heard her right.

"The one and only. I made a promise to him to get you guys out and I always keep my word. Lucky for me the Germans were a little short handed to put too many guards on a transport." She informed him never dropping her smile.

"Well, I guess a thank you is in order." Ed said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"No need. Just doing what I can."

"Where is Joe now?" He questioned. Knowing Joe, he half expected him to come charging to the rescue on his own as if he could take on the entire German army singlehandedly.

"Already moved along. We managed to get him and the rest of the paratroopers we collected in that messy drop of yours out of here. Had them meet up with some others heading towards the real fighting." She told him before walking to the other side of the small building and pulling back a tarp revealing a series of crates.

"Can you get us there too?" He asked walking over to her.

"We'll do our best but things have changed overnight and we'll have to send you an alternative route. Odds are you won't meet up with their grouping but we'll get you as close to the fighting as possible."

"That will have to do, I guess." Ed said as he watched her open the crates. Inside were weapons and supplies all U.S. Army issued. He glanced back at the woman with a raised brow.

"We found one of you gliders and grabbed what we could. The rest is from soldier who didn't survive the drop. Figured you guys would need some gear before we sent you out there."

"Thank you but I have to ask...OSS?" It was the only thing that made sense to him as he tried to figure out the whole situation.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just your average American girl enjoying a leisurely walk through occupied France." She told him playfully as she placed her hand over her heart dramatically.

"Say no more." Ed put his hands up and laughed.

"Pierre will take you to the next town over where you'll meet up with a man named Charles. He speaks broken English but it will be enough to get by. He'll take you the rest of the way and I'm sorry but I'm not exactly sure where that will be." She told him as she pointed to the older looking man standing guard by the door.

"Anything that gets us back to the fight is appreciated." He told her as he waved the men with him over to start grabbing gear.

"Take care of yourself, First Sergeant. And if you do run into Joe at some point...tell him Josie Girl says hi." She said with a wink and Ed was really hoping he would see Joe again because he had some explaining to do.

"Will do. You be careful on this leisurely walk of yours." Ed told her as she headed for the door.

"Always am." Josie said with a smile before disappearing out the door. Seemed all paratroopers just loved to tell her to be careful.

Hello There, SoldierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora