Berlin: June, 1945

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"Come on, Callahan. Why can't you just let loose and enjoy the local hospitality." Montaruli's slightly inebriated voice said as they sat in the crowded room. A German girl was perched on his lap as he took another drink.

"I think you're doing enough of that for the both of us." Joe grumbled in disgust as he watched Nick openly grope the woman on his lap.

They were supposed to be enjoying some downtime but instead of catching some much needed sleep, Joe was dragged out by his friend. The bar was crowded with soldiers just like them taking advantage of what Berlin had to offer. It was not the kind of place Joe wanted to be in but he went along if for nothing more than to make sure Nick made it back in one piece.

"Have you always been such a downer or is it just after that broad came and messed you up."

"Shut up, Montaruli. Don't go flapping your lips about something you know nothing about." Joe's voice took a dark tone as soon as Nick mentioned Josie.

"I know that every mail call you look for a letter from your Josie Girl but nothing ever comes. You're so hung up on a woman who was carrying some Kraut's kid the last time you saw her. As I see it, you're lucky she's not responding to you." He laughed loudly but was silenced as Joe's fist collided roughly with his face. Nick was sent flying backwards and landed harshly on the floor. Luckily, the woman he was with saw the punch coming and had quickly moved off his lap.

"What the hell, Callahan?" He asked in disbelief from the floor as he held a hand over his already swelling eye.

"Don't you ever speak about her like that again!" The words were threatening as Joe stared down at his friend with fists clenched by his side. He had been continuingly on edge as time passed and he still heard nothing from Josie but she was still his girl and he would defend her to the ends of the earth.

With a huff of frustration, Joe turned and went to leave the building when he ran straight into a pair of MPs that were walking in. They took in the scene before them before looking at Joe. Without a word, they turned and walked Joe out of the building and back towards headquarters.

This was not how Joe had planned to spend his night. He was currently locked up in a cell waiting to find out what the repercussions would be for his actions. He had hit one of his own men. He was a squad leader and was meant to look out for his guys. He was supposed to lead by example but instead he punched one of his men because the man couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"I just got off the phone and was persuaded to let you off with just a warning. It seems Montaruli and the others present won't even verify that you threw the punch in the first place, despite the nice shiner he's got now." Colonel Grady sounded irritated by the turn of events. He opened to cell door and waited for Joe to step out. "Just don't let something like this happen again, Callahan. If you're serious about making a career out of this then you need to act like it. You can't go around slugging your own men. You might not always have someone calling in favors to save your ass."

Joe had made it known that he planned to stay in the army after the war. It seemed he finally found his niche in the structured life the military provided. That and he had also become a little addicted to the rush of jumping out of an airplane. Joe let out a sigh of relief as he realized that this incident wasn't going to hurt his career, then the Colonel's words registered with him.

"Who called you exactly, sir?" Joe asked with knitted brows as he tried to rack his brain on who he knew above the Colonel who would do something like that.

"That's right, I'm supposed to pass along a message to you." Colonel Grady say slyly as he rubbed his chin and stared at Joe. "She said, 'Try and stay out of trouble, Soldier.'" That final word was all the Joe needed to hear. His face broke out into a smile so big it almost hurt. "And judging by the stupid grin on your face you know exactly who the message was from." Grady said with a smirk.

"Yes, sir." Joe responded already lost in his own thoughts.

"Listen to her advice, Callahan. Now get out of here." Joe left the building quickly as his mind raced. His Josie girl might not have written back to him but she still cared. She was obviously keeping tabs on him. Even from a far she was watching out for him. That was enough to make Joe's heart swell with hope once more. They were going to be together, he was sure of it. Now all he had to do was wait to get home.


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