Langley, Virginia: 2005

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It was family day at CIA headquarters. This was a chance for the immediate family members of those who work there to come and see where their loved ones worked. It was nothing more than a tour of the few areas not off limits, a stop by the gift shop and off course the spy museum. It wasn't much but it was exciting for the families who previously only knew what they saw in movies. The museum was a nice collection of the different spy technology over the years and a showcase of some of the history makers.

That's where Scott was currently wandering with his parents who insisted on reading every single plaque and sign along the way. They were currently stopped before an exhibit labeled Nemisis.

"Nemisis, took her code name from the Greek goddess of divine retribution. To this day her name remains classified. Isn't that interesting?" Scott's father remarked as he continued reading. "She was a spy during WWII and her name is still classified, she must have done some crazy stuff!"

"She enlisted in the Woman's Army Auxiliary Corp before being recruited for her language skills and dropped into occupied France to help organize the Resistance. Amazing!" This time it was Scott's mother who chimed in.

"Yeah, she's kind of a legend around here. She took up with a German officer and managed to gather a ridiculous amount of information from the guy for almost two years and he never had a clue his girlfriend was an American." Scott informed his parents.

"Does it say what happened to her?" His mother asked.

"Let's see... here it is. She was found by a group of paratroopers in Belgium after she killed the German officer she was traveling with. She was brought back to America where she continued working with the OSS. She married one of the paratroopers that found her and had four kids eventually retiring from the agency to settle down with her family." Scott's father informed his wife.

"That's not completely accurate." The voice startled the group who looked over to the see the older gentlemen smiling at them. "She continued consulting with us well into the 70's and actually maintained her top secret clearance up until her death five years ago."

"JJ, I didn't see you there. These are my parents, Mark and Sophie. " Scott said a little nervous as his boss stood before his parents.

"My wife and youngest daughter wandered off to grab something to eat and I saw you over here. Sorry to interrupt." He apologized.

"Not at all, I'm glad you could tell us more about the exhibit. She must have been one amazing woman." Sophie said.

"Oh she was. Her contributions during the war effort were invaluable, as were the efforts of many women. They are so often overlooked in the grand scheme and many people aren't even aware that women worked in intelligence during that time let alone volunteered to be dropped into occupied territory to combat the Germans."

"Really is amazing." Mark commented as he continued to examine the exhibit.

"Well, I will leave you to see the rest of the museum. You should check out Virginia Hall next. It was nice meeting you both and you should know your son is a rising star in his section. We're lucky to have him." JJ said with a smile as he shook hands with Sophie before moving over to do the same with Mark.

"Well, that's good to know...what was your name again?" Mark said as he let go of his hand.

"Joseph Callahan Jr. but everyone calls me JJ."

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