Chapter 2

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Okay here is the next chapter, letting you know it is short but I have my reasons :)

So enjoy <3

Chapter 2

I opened my eyes to find myself in the bathroom stall. What the Hell?

I took out my phone and saw only five minutes have passed since I walked out of the car. Well this is strange.

I entered the gym and immediately found Forest’s friends, the exact place they were at, when I was “here” a minute or two ago.

When I headed that direction a hand was on my wrist and I immediately felt déjà vu and slowly turned to look and see who it was and surprisingly it wasn’t him it was Forest.

“Why did you…” I interrupted him letting go of my wrist I looked around while talking to him.

“Ummm I kind of have to go” I said meeting his eyes once more and headed for the exit. Before I had the chance to walk far he grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

He had a puzzled look “Where are you going?”

“I don’t know really” Telling him the truth but honestly I just wanted to stay away from Forest all my feelings for him vanished the moment I laid eyes on that mysterious guy and don’t really know why. I don’t even know him for god’s sake what is wrong with me!

I shook my arm free from Forest’s grasp and headed toward the exit. Once outside I took off my heels and decided to leave them there, because I know I’ll get them back cause he would recognize them.

I started running toward the woods behind the gym. Every second I was running I knew I couldn’t stop, the way I felt for that guy who I didn’t even know was too much for words. The way I felt for Forest before that guy I knew I loved him and went looking for him, but those feelings are all gone know.

Meeting the guy with the deep blue eyes made me know it wasn’t a dream, his touch was so real and how I could smell the small amount of cologne he was wearing. It couldn’t have been a dream but then why did I wake up in the bathroom stall?  

Before I thought anymore I looked ahead of me and found the cliff and ran even faster.

The trees were starting too thin and slowly there were none at all. The earth beneath my feet was cold and covered in almost melted snow and I was freezing every time my foot hit the ground. My lungs were burning begging for air, my legs wanted to give up but I knew the cliff was just ahead.

I reached the cliff and slowed my pace to a walk. I took a deep breath of the salty air the moment I stopped walking and stood a foot away from the edge. The air started to feel warmer all of a sudden and I didn’t feel as cold as I was before. I looked toward the ocean and noticed that the sun was starting to rise.

That’s odd it hasn’t been that long since the dance. I stood there watching the sunrise not caring if this wasn’t supposed to be happening either way it calmed me. The sun warmed my cool skin and the breeze felt really nice on my skin not giving me goose bumps.

The moment the sun rose completely I felt the nerve to turn around. And to my surprise someone was behind me but my thought was who is he?

I turned having my whole body facing him. Without a word from either of us I broke the silence.

“Who are you?” I asked just above a whisper. To my surprise he heard and smiled, I knew that smile from somewhere.

“You tell me,” He said loud enough and oh it’s him. I don’t know what to say and who in the hell is this person and how did he find me?

He smiled finding my reaction amusing. “Well you are some girl”

“Excuse me?” I said instantly not understanding his choice of words.

“Well you for one can see me” He stepped toward me and I immediately took a step back.

“Watch your step,” He pointed behind me and I forgot where I was and he knew I had nowhere else to go, great. I took a couple of steps toward him not wanting to risk falling a couple hundred feet into the ocean below.

“What do you mean see you, your flesh and blood?” I said allowing my hands to gesture toward his body.

“Well you don’t get it do you”

“Get what?” I said crossing my arms and tapping my right foot and forgetting my feelings for this guy what in the hell was I even thinking he’s a lunatic Mia why didn’t you think of this before.

“And I am not a lunatic Mia” I looked at him shocked and he still had half a smile on his face and how did he know I thought he was a lunatic. Guess my facial expressions are easy to read. I think.

“Okay I will explain” like he could read my mind.

“You’re dreaming” I unfolded my arms and didn’t know what to think.

“How do you explain the darkness and waking up in the stall” I still didn’t understand and just shook my head and looked down at the damp ground.

“Then explain why I really believe I am awake right know” I looked back at him wanting him to answer my question.

“That’s why I’m here” stepping closer I froze when he was at arm’s length.

He took both of my shoulders and I knew then I wasn’t dreaming it just feels so real. I took a deep breath and relaxed my muscles for I wasn’t as tense.

“I’ll prove it”


But before he could say another word the world around me was disappearing around me once again but before the darkness hit the heat from my body was taken from me and replaced with the cold of winter. At that the dark once again came completely leaving me curled up on the cold wet earth and the sun rising in the cloudless sky.

So how do you all think Comment please I need to know if it's good or not and if you guys will keep reading it So comment vote and I will probably take suggestions hmmm so I will upload soon <3

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