Chapter 6

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Hope you all like this chapter :)


Chapter 6

“Aren’t you going to come out?” The woman with lipstick red heels asked me and all I did was shake my head with my right hand still covering my mouth. She didn’t look pleased her smile turned into a frown.

“Well that’s a shame. Guess they’re going to have to get to you then.” She stood and walked to the door way and turned around facing the three men.

“What are you men doing, get her!” She yelled at them. They immediately started to go on their knees and started to crawl toward me.

I screamed as loud as my lungs could bare and kept screaming. My eyes were completely shut not wanting to see men who seemed to be around my father’s age come after me and one I didn’t want to stop screaming because I got to afraid.

Not opening my eyes I didn’t see one guy come so close and he put a rag to my mouth and nose. I immediately started to stop screaming and started coughing. Without any form of self-defense I was knocked out do to the fumes that were on that darn rag.


My lungs were burning and both of my wrists were digging in what seemed to bet the handcuffs that were against my back. I tried opening my eyes but all I saw in front of me was a dark blind fold which was tied very tightly on the back of my head causing me a headache.  My feet were tied to a cold medal chair. I tried to talk but my mouth was taped shut with duck tape. I was useless, I couldn’t see, move, or talk but I could hear footsteps coming my way.

“She’s up?” I heard that voice before, male about my age. Oh, but how.

“Yes, she just started to move and tried talking.” A little bit older woman said and I heard her get out of her seat about a few feet away and walked the opposite direction, but no door just her footsteps disappearing in the distance on the cement floor, of what I could tell at the moment.

“Well let’s take this off you shall we.” He stepped closer and his hands untied the blindfold allowing me to take in my surroundings. I was right cement floor, but in an indoor parking garage.

I looked at the guy in front of me and I was right, Cole. He took off what seemed to keep me from talking and I yelped from the tape.

“Sorry.” He smiled.

“What the hell are you sorry about? Where am I!?” I yelled on the edge of crying but I was not about to let him see I was weak.

“Be quiet.” He whispered and I had so many questions.

“How…” He stopped me from finishing my question and started talking himself.

“You are so stupid Mia. I mean you shouldn’t have gotten yourself into this mess.”

“What do you mean?” He laughed the exact same psychopath laugh from that day in the cafeteria.

“Like I’m going to tell you that, you think I’m stupid.” He pulled out a cell phone from his back pocket and dialed a number.

“I think it’s time” He said to the person on the other end of the phone looking directly in my eyes and smiled like he was enjoying every minute of this.

“I’m on my way.” He put the phone back in his pocket and someone touched my handcuffed hands, which made me jump. I didn’t have clue someone was behind me. This person had me stand while untying my feet but still handcuffed.

“Goodbye Mia.” I looked up at Cole and he smiled and waved to me. Seconds later something hard hit my head hard and my mind was completely gone and I once again fell to the ground unconscious.



After dropping Mia at home I stopped by the diner on Main Street and got a bite to eat before heading back home. Thinking about her on my way home I really couldn’t compare anyone I ever dated to her even if I tried, finding her in the woods helpless made me like her even more.

I pulled up to my one story house were Jesse and I were staying before he disappeared. Things changed since then and I know I could find a way to get them back, but time is running out and I need to find them before that happens. It makes me angry to know Cole is in on it and possibly gone by now, away from the cops. Knowing what they could do anything is possible.

I got out of the car and headed inside fairly quickly. I immediately went for the television, sat down and turned on the news to hear the press theory on Cole.

“What, No!” I slammed my fists on the arm of the sofa and headed back to my car not thinking about turning the television off. I slammed the front door behind me and got into my car and drove back to Mia’s.

How could I let this happen? I am so stupid. I should have known they would want her. Whoever are holding Jesse and Amanda have Mia now to. God I should have known what is wrong with me! My mind was getting out of control and I was so angry at myself not keeping her safe.

I pulled onto the street where Mia’s house was at and it was packed with news reporters and half the town was here maybe more. I pulled to the curb, got out and ran toward her house. I was stopped with yellow tape saying crime scene, ignoring it I pulled it up and went toward her parents on the front lawn.

Her mother spotted me and came in my direction.

“Jeremy she’s…” Was all she said and she hugged me. I allowed her to hug me, she was crying and so was I. I didn’t know what to feel, all I wanted was for her to come out of nowhere and say she was alright. But I know she’s not coming back until I find a way to find her.

Her father walked over and placed his hand on my right shoulder; he had tears in his eyes.

“She’s been kidnapped; they found mud tracks in her room. About three pairs” The tears fell from his eyes and Mrs. Hearten let go of me and stayed at her husband’s side for the rest of the evening. I didn’t know what to think all I knew these people are going to pay for what they have done they will pay.



My head was killing me. I placed my left hand on my head and opened my eyes to a dark basement; little light came from a small window across from where I was. From what I could tell there won’t be much heat coming down here It was cold made my arms have goose bumps.

“Mia, are you awake?” I heard a voice to my left and saw his arms chained to the wall, badly beaten and also there she was head down. She looked up and smiled and so did he.

“Jesse… Amanda” I had to be dreaming, but yet again I don’t think this time I am.

Please tell me what you thought of this chapter and what might happen next. Comment and please vote, also you can fan me too:)

Till next time

See ya :)

Masquerade (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant