Chapter 15

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Okay here is the final chapter of book one if I have enough people telling me they want more so leave a comment. So I know it's short so I guess it's kind of a short story if so let me know. I had alot of fun writting this and hope I could write more so< ---------------Vote also :)

I hope you all enjoy my final chapter and to let you all know on microsoft word it's 70 pages so I did write alot, anways Enjoy<3

Chapter 15

Days like these have myself want to pinch myself to see if I was really awake. Those days were over pinching myself in a dream would have myself think I was awake, for one I could feel, hear, and smell everything around me, like if I was truly awake . I no longer know when I am awake or if I am just dreaming. My life has been taken from me and I only cry when I think of him.

The smell of the salty waters and a cool breeze blowing through my smooth brown hair, I stand upon a cliff with the ocean waters crashing against the rocks below. Every time I close my eyes I find myself here at this very spot seeing, smelling, and feeling as if it were real. I wish it were. This very spot changed my life and for those few weeks I could never go back to how I was living my life before this all happened, even if I tried. I stand there motion less waiting for the sun to rise remembering back when I first came here not expecting all this to happen and I can only cry when I think of him my dreamer the one who changed my life and the one and only person I truly gave my heart to and never really got it back.

I could only think of Jeremy when I stand here, the place that changed my life before I knew what was even happening. I haven’t seen him in months or even my family for that matter. Jesse, Amanda, and I are held against our will, in the very spot I woke up from a very long dream. Cole and Ashley have been running multiple tests on all three of us, controlling each and every one of our dreams. Sometimes in a blue moon they allow us to dream on our own to see where we end up and it’s always the same.

I stand hand in hand with Amanda on my right and Jesse on her right his hand around her waist. We stand there speechless not sure on what there is to come and having our shoulders touch to take in each other’s comfort. I take in deep breaths, allowing my mind to go clear of every disaster that I have gone through to be wiped from my memory for only a moment and truly appreciate what I have gone through to actually get here right now.

I smile to myself remembering back to the time I saw him in the forest saving my life and waking up to him to see him smiling at me for being alive. A single tear fell down my left cheek, feeling our first kiss that we will no longer share together. I could only be happier to fall in love with him, let alone have him save my life.

I started to feel nothing of my arms and legs, starting to realize our time of dreaming were over and I was happy every minute of it. I was finally able to remember everything I shared with Jeremy and why I was standing here today, Cole and Ashley will never take that away from me. And that my friend is why life is a masquerade, there are things we don’t have knowledge of and why we never truly learn who a person really is.

Don't Forget to Comment about your overall liking of book 1 so I really hope you liked it and I will put up an edited version later or soon so if you would like to edit this contact me and we can see if I let you anyway I would love More votes for the final Chapter!!!!

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