Chapter 3

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Here is the next Chapter and please comment on what you think be honest

I'm having alot of fun writing this so hope you like it :)

Enjoy! <3

Chapter 3        

I opened my eyes finding myself lying down on the ground curled up, my legs wrapped around my arms. I was freezing, teeth chattering and swore my skin should be blue.

Lying there not able to move scared me. The sun was still rising, allowing very little warmth reach my skin but god I would take all the heat I could get.

I slowly released my arms from my legs and started rubbing my arms trying to get my blood to circulate. It didn’t work my hands where frozen and it hurt to touch anything even the slightest touch makes me whine in pain. I looked down at my legs and noticed they were bare as well. I slowly tried getting up trying so hard not to use my hands.

I got to a standing or hunched over position and took a step the opposite of the cliff. I placed my foot on the cold wet earth and cried out in pain and sat down immediately not wanting to walk any further.

I reached for my foot, trying very hard to use my hands little as possible, but my feet were a completely different story. I squeezed my eyes shut not really wanting to know what is wrong with them. Slowly but surely I peeked.

“Oh my god!” I cried out, my eyes wide open. I was staring at one of my feet and saw how badly blistered they were, the bleeding stopped what I could tell it was covered in dry blood from the open wounds that I could see.

“Gross!” I screamed putting my foot down. Tears were running down my face in how much pain I was in and how scared I was.

I looked around my surroundings and found I was just at the edge of the forest and right behind me was the cliff, where I was just last night.

I thought long and hard on what happened last night only remembering running into the woods to find something, but for some reason it brought me here at the edge of that cliff.

I had no idea why I came this far into the forest.

My head suddenly started to hurt, and starting to forget even more minute by minute. I tried to get up now able to use my hands for balance but my feet were still killing me, but I kept walking trying very hard to forget about the pain this is causing me.

I was able to walk for a while to the point I couldn’t see much of the cliff behind me anymore. I stopped and leaned up against a tree afraid I might sit down and wouldn’t want to move anymore or go any further.

I started walking again ignoring the dizziness I felt. I stumbled over and over again for the unevenness of the ground. The pain I was feeling was excruciating and one it was freezing. My whole body was shaking for how cold it is but when I touched my skin I felt hot very hot. Running a fever didn’t make anything better it just slowed me down more.

My head started to become lighter by the second and couldn’t help that I was off balance. My vision was blacking out, I blinked trying to see better, tried rubbing my eyes, but nothing seemed to work. The blacking out lasted longer which slowed my walking I couldn’t or didn’t want to move if I couldn’t see anything or know where I was going.

I stood there with my hand covering my already shuteyes, but my vision didn’t come back. My legs gave up on me and found myself falling to the very cold ground once again. I felt completely useless and couldn’t move even if I tried. My vision started to come back but then slipped back into darkness seconds later.

The last thing I was able to capture was someone looking down at me his lips moving but no sound what so ever. I noticed he was caring me when my vision was back for a few more seconds and he looked very worried and once again I couldn’t make out what he was saying. Darkness took over but I was able to hear him or so I thought I did.

Masquerade (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ