Chapter 7

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Short but I have my reasons. Alexis and Tabitha your ideas come in handy :) hope you like it!

Enjoy <3

Chapter 7


Thinking about Mia, made everything worse. Holding in my anger was impossible. I didn’t know what else to do but to go home and sleep and this time try to find her; she doesn’t even know why she was taken. I didn’t even have the chance to explain to her, but telling her in her dreams will have her tortured by Cole and the others.

Coming home after being at the Heartens broke my heart to see them loose their only child. Forest showed a little after I arrived, he was crushed and seemed to be mourning his lost even if there is a slight chance of her being alive.

My sheets were soft and warm underneath all the blankets, looking at the ceiling having time pass by. What seemed like hours were only minutes when my eyelids started to become heavier and soon enough I couldn’t hold back. I shut my eyes and went to find Mia and hopefully this will work.


I was standing at the edge of the forest, sunning rising having the warmth feel the air and the cool breeze feel your lungs.

I was in the shadows when someone appeared moments before the sun was completely raised. Walking over I knew immediately it wasn’t her.

“You think I would allow her to come here?” Cole said turning around to face me completely.

“You can’t save her, not even if you tried.” He sounded like a snake after each word and filled with anger. I couldn’t help but feel the same way he had to go.

“Where is she?!” I yelled, breathing heavily after. My knuckles were in fists, turning white. I wanted to kill him right here right know. That wouldn’t do anything good until he told me everything he knows, but this saved his life not giving me what I wanted.

“You already know the answer to that.” He said smiling and giggling. I couldn’t help but wonder what in the hell is wrong with these people!

I stood there not understanding what he meant by that, but before I could ask I was wakening up to my alarm. 


I sat straight up sweating, feeling hot. I got up and ran the shower with cold water. It felt great on my burning skin. Thinking about Mia instantly made me cry, breathing heavily made it even worse. My hands covering my eyes not wanting to go any longer, everyone I care about is taken from me. I knew I couldn’t find a way to get her. She had to find a way to get to me.



Seeing Jesse and Amanda alive made me smile, but couldn’t help but noticed how bad they looked right now. They were beaten multiple times of what I could tell in this dim light. Amanda’s hair wasn’t glowing like in the picture and Jesse wasn’t what I saw in my dreams, they were skinnier much skinnier.

Before any of us had the chance to say anything, a door opened allowing light show the staircase. Heels are what I heard and I knew exactly who this person was.

“Well I see that you’re finally up.” She walked down the stairs smiling as if she was hiding something.

“Well I need to tell you all that we had a visitor last night; do you have any idea on who it might have been?” She asked, more like stating a warning.

“Mia I think you know, why don’t you tell me?” She bent down without her knees touching the cold cement floor. I shook my head knowing exactly who it was but not wanting to tell her or speak to her for that matter.

“Hmmm the silent treatment, well it was Jeremy and I am warning you if you tell him anything there dead.” She pointed to my left obviously talking about Jesse and Amanda.

“And you will suffer and so would he.” She stood walked back up the stairs, shutting and locking the door behind her.



I got out of the shower and put my clothes on to go and try to figure out what I already knew. First I drove to the Heartens resident, getting out of the car I looked around trying to see if anything wasn’t normal. Nope everything looked fine, teen boys mowing lawns, bike riding, and this was a typical weekend, besides the fact that someone was someone of mine missing.

I rang the doorbell, not really expecting someone to answer.

“Hello.” She said whom I didn’t know. Her blond hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail and it looked like she was headed somewhere. I looked at her feet.

“Nice red heels” I said trying to be nice.

“Oh thanks, I had them for awhile” she smiled.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Oh sorry my name is Ashley I’m the new private detective you must be Jeremy” She stepped back smiling awfully too much for a kidnap investigation. Mrs. and Mr. Hearten greeted me themselves when I entered the living room.

I wonder how that happened, Comment, Vote I will upload soon

See ya :)

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