Chapter 14

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So I know its really late but I have been packing then moving so ya sorry about that anyway I cant promise that it is long, might be some what short but remember the pages are much longer on word but I know it will shock all of you and it might be crazy o_0


Chapter 14


After I finished eating dinner I headed upstairs with Forest. My parents didn’t question a thing, which seemed weird to me, but he said it’s because they trust him. We got into my bedroom and I stood there having no clue on where anything was. It was like I lost everything; well I kind of did my memory so that wasn’t any help at all.

“Um Forest?” I asked facing him and he smiled while walking into the closet and came out with a pair of pajamas. He handed them to me and pointed to another door across the room.

“Thanks.” I headed to the bathroom and changed. Once I got out of the bathroom and into my room Forest was on the floor curled up in a blanket knocked out. I tried not to laugh while I tip toed to my bed. I went under the covers and placed my head on my pillow for the first time I could ever remember.



My eyes were closed and I liked to keep it that way, feeling the cold air around me gone within seconds in place of something warm and homey. Strong-arms were wrapped around me, and the feeling of him doing so made me miss him even more. I leaned into his chest and placed my hands on top of his that where on my stomach.

“Mia.” His voice was full of emotion I honestly couldn’t tell what his mind was going through at the moment.

“Yes?” I whispered not knowing if he heard me. He took in a deep breath and I know he did.

“You remember me?” I laughed and turned around like he was stupid or something and smacked his chest.

“Why would you even ask that?” I laughed and he looked down at me concerned.

“What’s wrong?” I asked placing my hand on his left cheek. He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes leaning into my hand. I couldn’t help but smile.

“I love you.” He whispered opening his eyes again and I went on my tiptoes and kissed him.

“I love you too you know that.” I whispered against his lips. I felt him smile and I couldn’t help but kiss him for a second time. My head was all fuzzy and my heart was doing summersaults. I felt so much at one time when he kissed me let alone touch me. I love Jeremy more than I could possibly ever know.  

I looked at him and took his face in my hands, while his hands where around my waist hugging me.

“I love you and don’t you ever and I mean ever forget that.” He smiled and kissed me once more before I heard an alarm go off. I looked at Jeremy one last time and slowly I was seeing my clock saying it was seven in the morning. I yawned and stretched my arms letting out another huge yawn. I looked down to see Forest was still here, wide awake looking directly at me smiling. I gave him a huge smile.

“Morning.” I cheered.

“Morning, I guess you slept well?”

“Well know thinking about it yes, but I don’t remember one detail of my dream.” I said quite confused.

“That happens you forget.” I smiled at him and went to sit down on the floor next to him giving him a huge kiss on the cheek.

“I like you.” I said giving him a hug and he pushed me away.

“What?” I asked.

“Your breath.” He was waving his hand in front of his face. Great I just kissed him when my breath was bad, nasty. I stood up and headed toward the bathroom and saw a purple toothbrush in a cup on the counter with toothpaste next to it. I shrugged my shoulders, what the hell it looks like mine. I think but hey it won’t hurt.

I finished brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth when I heard a knock coming not from the bathroom door but my bedroom. I wonder who it could be. The door opened I couldn’t see who it was but I could definitely tell by the voice.

“Where is she?” Jeremy sounded excited like he just won the lotto.

“I’m in here.” I yelled through the door. He knocked on the door.

“Come in.” He walked in shutting and locking the door behind him.

“What are you doing?” I said at him. He didn’t say anything only stood there looking at me like I was some ghost or wait no he couldn’t think that.

“I don’t remember anything I swear.” I stepped back walking into the counter behind, but he only took a step toward me.

“Jeremy don’t…” I was too late he came to me having our chest touching together.

“What are you…?” He didn’t give me time to finish. His lips crushed against mine and I immediately felt everything I had with him from the moment I met him in the hospital, the time in my bedroom where we first kissed. It all came back to me the moment I started kissing him back. My hand was pushing him toward me from the bare back of his neck. I loved him how could I ever forget that. I kissed him for what I had in me, giving all I could to him. My whole heart belonged to him and no one else, I was his and he was mine.

We broke apart breathing heavily and we were resting our foreheads together. I smiled meeting his eyes and pecked him on the lips.

“I love you.” I whispered and he took my face in his hands and kissed me again. Without the chance of kissing him back the world around me was collapsing. My head was getting lighter and lighter and darkness took over.

Bright light was in front of me not exactly what I was expecting. My head was throbbing with pain. I felt a needle in my left arm and the light started to die down allowing me to see who was around me and where I was.

“She’s awake.”

“You did great Mia.” No how could this be possible I was in my bathroom with Jeremy and then I don’t know what happened.

I wanted to scream my lungs out. I tried to move but hands where immediately around my wrist, ankles, and my whole body strapping me down. I tried to scream but nothing but a small squeak came out. Where am I!

“Don’t move or even try to scream it won’t do you any good.” I knew that voice, Cole. It couldn’t be.

“You must be wondering what is going on. Well for starts let’s just say our plan worked and it worked out very well.” Ashley.

“You where dreaming this whole time Mia and surprisingly you saw Jeremy’s and some of Amanda’s too that was just an extra bonus.” Cole was laughing his psycho laugh like the day in the cafeteria.

“No.” I was able to say just below a whisper.

“Oh yes and we got to play the game as well. You thought you were safe, think again bitch its just beginning.” Ashley barked at me, I could tell where and what they looked like. That couldn’t be right.

“But…” I whispered feeling absolutely confused and sobbing. I didn’t know what to believe anymore. They both smiled understanding my but question.

“That’s the thing you where only asleep for a day and what you felt was much, much longer than that”

“We played you and that’s not even the half of it” I leaned my head back resting it on little padding that was left and immediately started to cry. I couldn’t believe after all I went through it was all just a dream. Everything I felt, did, it was all a lie.

Alrighty what did you guys think tell me through Comments fanning me and of course dont forget to <-------------------------- VOTE it is really important to me so I will try and upload soon and sorry for cliff hanger if there was any I really dont know but ya

See Ya <3 :)

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