[ 6 ] 2014

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[ 6 ] 2014 


"The only person at St. Genevieve's who actually liked him was you."


"This house belongs to Cole Hood." 

Harley shook her head at the information they had given her. "That's not right." She said, "Calum Hood owns this house." 

"Like I just told you, ma'am," The security guard began, starting to sound impatient with her. He thought she was a stubborn young woman who could not accept the truth. There was no one named Calum in that house, as far as he knew. "We were hired by a man named Cole Hood. If you are looking for someone else, maybe you have the wrong house."

She remained silent for a moment. She knew perfectly well that the house was Calum's property. It had been given to him as an inheritance from his grandfather, along with other things she probably didn't know about. But one thing she was certain of was that Calum's uncle wanted the house, and she thought he would be capable of anything to have it. That was the extent of greed sometimes. 

"Can I see Mr. Hood?" Harley asked after a short pause in which she had been momentarily immersed in her thoughts. Her suspicion also continued to grow.

If she could see his uncle in person, and talk to him, then maybe he could let her know where Calum was. Or if he had something to do with him disappearing, she thought that by talking to him, she would know he was involved.

The guard asked her to wait a moment and he grabbed a phone off his desk. He dialed a number and waited for someone to pick up on the other line. When someone finally answered, he said into the phone, "Mr. Hood, there is a young woman here that wants to see you." There was a pause as he listened to the response, then he continued, "Her name is..." He looked at her, awaiting an answer.

"Harley Quinn."

"Harley Quinn." He repeated into the phone. "She says she's looking for someone named Calum."

There was another pause while Cole spoke.

"Oh, your nephew?" The guard raised an eyebrow. "Yes, sir. I'll let her know." He said into the phone very respectfully and when the call ended, he looked up at Harley Quinn from his seat behind the desk in the security booth. She thought she was going to get to see his uncle and that she would get some answers as to where Calum was. But she was disappointed by the guard's words. "Mr. Hood cannot see you now because he is very busy. But he asked me to tell you that his nephew left the country."

"Left the country?" She repeated in shock. If she didn't think Calum would leave to another town without saying goodbye, it was even less likely to her that he would leave the country.

The guard nodded his head, confirming what she heard. "Mr. Hood said he saw his nephew was very upset about something, and he decided to leave because he needed to get away from something that was hurting him."

Harley bit down on her lip to try to hold back a stream of tears that threatened to escape. 

She felt guilty for Calum's disappearance.


Harley went to the American style burger place called Iggy's when she returned home and changed into her cheerleading uniform. From the moment she arrived, she already wanted to leave. The populars were the ones crowding the place, they were everywhere, and they were making a lot of noise. Harley found her brother Billy with Cindy and went to sit at their table.

"I'm so glad you made it, Harley." Cindy smiled brightly at Harley. The two of them were sitting at a booth near the back together, and there was one empty seat left. Luke sat across from them, typing away on his cellphone with a bored expression that changed when he saw Harley Quinn.

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