[ 23 ] 2014

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{ 23 ] 2014


"Thank you for letting me sit here with you, its been a hectic first day..."


A month had gone by since Harley found Calum in Brisbane and they had since returned to Sydney. For the span of that month, she had noticed the way he had drastically changed while he was away. He had likely been through some trauma that was now always present in his mind. It presented itself in an irrational fear he was displaying towards water. 

He returned to St. Genevieve's without a problem, and returned to his classes. But Harley noticed there was something in him, something always hesitant. And then there was the fact that he never showed up to school on rainy days anymore. Harley was worried about Calum and the negative effects that had taken place in him. She had, a few times, suggested that he visit the school's psychologist, but he refused with the excuse that he was absolutely fine. But he was not fine, and Harley knew it. He knew it as well.

Harley was in home class, sitting next to Cindy and some of the other cheerleaders when her teacher gave an announcement to the class. Calum hadn't showed up to see her in home class like he used to. They didn't have the same teacher, but he always found a way to sneak out to visit. That was a thing of the past. Ever since his return. he had made it a point to give her more space. It was almost as though her were avoiding her.

But she didn't want to think about that. Instead, she focused her attention on the announcement. "Your fourth year college counselor has asked me to remind you all that you need to submit ten applications to different universities: four state universities, four out of state, and two privates. If you want to submit more than that, you will need to pay them from your pocket. The school will only pay for the ten that you choose."

"Ugh." Cindy rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Why do we have to apply to ten? I already know I'm going to whichever school Billy decides."

She can go anywhere because she has all the money in the world, Harley thought to herself.

She herself did not seem to be too interested in going to a university. Her family had enough money, there wasn't a subject she thoroughly enjoyed enough to make a career in it, and she knew that if she wanted something, she could easily mind control her way to it. It was unfair for the rest of the human population, but it was a privilege she had been born with. Even so, Harley had long submitted her applications with one in mind. Most of the ones she had chosen were either in Sydney or close to Sydney. Now that she was with Ashton, she didn't want to go too far away from home despite the fact that he could easily move with her anywhere.

"Failure to apply to ten universities will result in your inability to attend this Friday's fourth year beach trip." Her teacher informed. There were a few shocked gasps heard in the classroom. Friday was only three days away and it was evident that many of St. Genevieve's fourth years had not finished submitting applications.

Harley was sure that Calum was one of them.


She found him in the library during lunch. It was a large building with four floors that according to a few of her classmates resembled the library of Hogwarts. Harley wouldn't know, since she had never read the books, or watched the movies. 

He was in the first floor, which was actually two floors down from the main floor, and found him in the back. That was where the study rooms were located and he had reserved one for himself. Harley saw him through the glass doors and walked inside. He had a brown lunch bag in front of it, which he was looking absently at. Outside, the sun was blaring heat and light. At least it meant he wouldn't be leaving school early, like he had done on a few other days that past month.

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