What He Likes About You

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what they like about you


Dean; He really likes yours smile, (other than your lips.) he claims its contagious, and does anything / everything to get you to smile. It reminds him that he's doing his job as a great boyfriend; keeping you safe, loving you, and treating you right.

Sam; He loves your eyes. He claims that he can "read your emotions" by just looking into your eyes. Every time before he leaves to go on a hunt, and reads your eyes to make sure you're okay. Also when you laugh, you squeeze them tight to reveal the crinkles near your eyes.

Castiel; He is infatuated with your laugh. "What was that?" He asked the first time you laughed. "It's my laugh." You giggled. "That sounded different, though," He looked at you with pure confusion. A couple of weeks later, he was familiar with the concept of a laugh and loved hearing you do it.


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