When It Rains

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what you two do when it rains.


Sam; You both knew it was going to rain, so a couple hours before, you both went to as many stores you could and bought movies of all categories. Horror, Comedy, Romance, etc. You also grabbed a bunch of blankets from the closet, and got snuggled up on the couch. Every time a movie ended, y'all would to "rock, paper, scissors," to see who would have to get up and change the movie. Sam snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you into his lap every time he came back from changing the movie, since he wasn't good at 'rock, paper, scissors'. You would try to lay next to him and lay your head on his shoulder, but you somehow always ended up in his lap, with occasional kisses in your hair. Soon you fall asleep in his strong arms, and he does the same.

Dean; You two just cuddle all day. Occasional conversations about the past, present, future. You guys talked about getting married, having children, discussing baby names. He would try to kiss you but you would always stop him. His 'whiskers' tickled your face. "You need to shave." You mumbled as your fingers ran over his stubble. "So do you," He trailed his hand up your legs. "That doesn't effect you kissing me." You pushed his face away as he pulled you closer to him and rubbed his stubble on your face. You two were just a giggling mess. "While you shave, I make some hot chocolate." You explained. "Who said I was shaving?" He chuckled. "Me." You crossed your arms, and he finally gave in. After you made the hot chocolate, and after he shaved, you both sat in bed and talked some more. You only left his arms when you really needed to pee. And once you finished your hot chocolate, you would sometimes fall asleep to the sound of thunder, and the way the rain hit the window. The smell of Dean's cologne let you know he was still there next to you. "Best rain day ever," He grinned and pressed his lips onto yours. The feeling of no stubble is great.

Castiel; Castiel was familiar with rain, he's just never experienced it. "Cas, it's raining!" You cheered as you got up and pointed to the window. He just frowned and said, "It's raining? Raining..." He thought there for a second. "Oh, rain!" You giggled at his excitement too and dragged him outside. "Y/N, we don't have any shoes, nor jackets on to protect us from the cold?" Even though he didn't feel how cold it was, he was talking about you. As he explained at the danger in dancing in the rain without shoes, and with just a tank top and skinny jeans on. "C'mon Cas, dance with me, please?" You pouted. "Fine, okay Y/N." He gave in as you took off his trench coat for him, and pulled him into the rain. You stomped around in the mud and kept Cas by your side. "Hey Y/N?" "Yeah?-" Cas smashed his lips onto yours. It was perfect, kissing in the rain? It was very romantic. You were surprised by the gesture, but you immediately kissed back. Cas's first experience with rain would be one to remember.

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