Your Kids

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Dean: He was a good dad, but you were around more when it came to it. You two had a daughter, named Darcy. You offered to name the baby after his mom, but it was too emotional for him to do that and you didn't blame him. He also wanted a son, but when he found out about having a girl, he was really excited. When Darcy was four years old, you knew she was exactly like her dad. Even though she acted just like Dean, she was a mommy's girl. Her favorite food was apple pie. Surprisingly, that was the only flavor she liked. She was a picky eater, but Dean was still proud she at least ate pie. She has long curly hair, and look exactly like you but with Dean's eyes. And Dean's attitude. She's obsessed with old cars, and her favorite Disney movie is "Cars". As she grew, she became interested in the guitar and singing. It was only a hobby though. And when it came to tell her was Daddy's and Mommy's job was, you started to train her. She was twice as better as you and Dean.

Sam: You had twins. As in, one boy, and one girl. The both of you decided to name them Bobby, and Charlie. It wasn't that he didn't want to name his daughter Mary, he just never knew his mom. And since you were close with Charlie, it only made sense to name her that. It also made sense to name your son Bobby. Other than John, Bobby was the main father-figure for the Winchester boys. But when it came to your kids in general, they were very unique. Bobby started reading at five, while Charlie was obsessed with fashion. Bobby looked just like you, and Charlie looked just like Sam. They were their own person, it was adorable to watch. Especially when daddy came home from work. Bobby was closer to you, and Charlie was closer to Sam. She would constantly be in his arms. And while they were still small enough, he would carry them at the same time in each arm. Bobby and Charlie were soon trained to hunt, and were proud parents when they came back from every hunt in one piece. They grew up to be two peas in a pod. They went on hunts together and everything.

Cas: You had a girl, and decided to name her Genesis. Genesis was very creative and outgoing. The outgoing part is definitely something she definitely got from you. She loved trench coats whenever she was little. Every outfit had a color coordinated trench coat. You didn't mind buying miniature trench coats all the time, it was adorable to you. She looked just like you, but with Castiel's eyes. Then it was time for her to go to school. Sometimes you would get called up to the school because Genesis would always say she's part angel, and part human all the time. Castiel and you didn't think it was a big deal. Genesis just sounded like a kid who was just being a kid. Soon, she'll understand she shouldn't say that anymore, you thought to yourself. She did, and every day she became more mature. Before you introduced her to hunting, she was interested in art. So the whole library was full of designs all over the walls. The room would reek of paint for weeks, but it was beautiful.

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