Gabriel Imagine: Crash

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"No, Chandler needs at least a little bit of a limit when it comes to giving him candy, Gabe!" You mumbled over the phone.

"C'mon, I mean look at me, I have no limit and still impress plenty of—"

"I'd stop right there if I were you." You chuckled and he laughed. "Anyways, I'm headed to the store with Chandler."

"Mommy, can we get some more ice cream at the store? Chandler giggled and kicked a steady beat against his car seat.

"No." You said simply, turning left.

"A little ice cream isn't gonna hurt him." Gabriel argued playfully, and you turned around to see the look on Chandler's face. He was too cute.


Next thing you know, the car was upside down.

You blacked out, leaving a worried Gabriel on the phone.

"Y/N! Y/N, y'all okay? Y/N!"

You woke up quickly, looking over and taking in your surroundings. You heard Gabe saying your name repeatedly. The car was upside down, and with all the blood pouring out of you already, the rest sunk to your head.

But your first worry was Chandler.

"Chandler, baby!" You screamed at a passed out Chandler. You winced at the headache. He looked as bad as you. You unbuckled your seatbelt and as gravity won, you slammed against the roof of your car, receiving plenty of glass shards into your side.

You picked up your phone quickly.

You could hear a worried Gabe through the speaker of your phone, you let the phone slide out of your grip and you tried to crawl to Chandler. You unbuckled him from his car seat and caught him with all the strength left in you.

"M'am, I called 911!" He yelled and kneeled down so you could see him. "Is there anything I can do to help!"

"Help me get my child out of here!" You screamed and cried at the same time.

"Oh-Oh my god," The man stuttered.

You finally had Chandler in your arms, so you kicked the window with your boots on, shattering it so you could get out. The man frowned at the amount of capability you had to get out of there. He reached his arms out through the window as you struggled to crawl over to the window. There was so much broken glass you were afraid to crawl on it.

"M'am, I am so sorry—" All of the sudden, the ambulance showed up.

"T-Take him.." You said out of breath, realizing that you didn't have much time either, so you quickly slammed your knees into the glass one by one, getting to the window.

"The a-ambulance is here shouldn't they?—"

"I'm fixing to pass out... I need you to please..." You panted. "Take him to them.."

He widened his eyes and grabbed Chandler from your arms, as everything went black.

He had Chandler cradled in one arm, and stared at your lifeless body in horror.

"Somebody help!" He screamed.

Your emergency numbers were Sam and Dean, since they would alarm Gabriel anyways if a situation like this happened.

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