Castiel- Christmas Imagine

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Another day without Castiel. Another painful day. It was Christmas, and you were telling yourself everything would be okay, even though nothing was okay without him. You sighed as you stepped out of the shower, and got ready for the Christmas dinner with the Winchester boys and Bobby. You decided to just wear some skinny jeans, and a plaid shirt. You straightened your hair and put some makeup on. You looked at yourself in the mirror once more, examining the bags under your eyes. You haven't gotten much sleep without Cas buy your side. The first few nights were okay, but then it just kept getting harder to sleep after that. You missed Cas like crazy but no matter how many times you pray for him, he doesn't come back.

"Y/N?" Sam knocked on the door. You quickly wiped the tear streaming down your face and walked over to the door.

"I'm ready," You faked a laugh, while you just received a concerned look from Sam.

"I know Cas hasn't been back for a while.... I just want to make sure you're okay." He furrowed his eyebrows. Dean and Sam were like brothers to you, so it was normal that Sam was worried about you.

"I'm... Still trying to be okay." You looked down, trying not to cry. "I will be okay though, soon, hopefully." You were being honest, you didn't feel like lying. You were slowly becoming depressed, putting on smiles for everyone.

You loved him, and he loved you. But if he really loved you, why'd he leave?

"Well, Bobby made some dinner reservations, and Dean is being picky about us not being late," He chuckled, making you smile. Those boys are all you have right now, all you've ever had really.

"Okay, let me just grab my jacket and some shoes." You say as you walk back into your room. You chose your black combat boots, and grabbed your leather jacket. You headed downstairs to meet the guys.

The restaurant wasn't extremely nice, but very casual and comfy. The food was good, and you surpassingly had a good time. Even though Dean was hitting on the waitress the whole time.

"Nice choice, Bobby. Food was great." Dean burped while Sam and I gave him a gross look.

"Oh c'mon son, you're stinkin' up my car!" Bobby frowned in disgust. Dean just laughed at all of us.

"God Dean, now I know why you're still single." You mumbled, trying to hold in your laughter. Sam and Bobby bursted into fits of laughter.

"Um, that waitress loved me." Dean said in a "matter-of-fact"-ly way. Once we pulled up into Bobby's house, the door was open, and the living room light was on.

"What the hell?" Bobby hissed as he pulled a gun out of his pocket and jumped out of the car. All of us followed. Before I could even make it inside of the house, Dean was already holding the man up against the wall. Bobby and Sam were trying to get Dean away from the mysterious intruder.  "Who the hell do you think you are? She's a mess without you!! You've ruined her!" Dean hissed at the man. "Dean, just shut up and calm down!" Sam yelled.

"Who is it-" You saw his trench coat.

You were feeling so many emotions. Anger, Happiness, Sadness. They all turned around, looking at me. Dean dropped Castiel, while Bobby helped him up. "We'll just... Leave you two alone." Sam mumbled as they all went outside, shutting the door behind him. You just stood there, in shock. You wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. You both just stood there in silence.

"Is it true?" He mumbled painfully. "What?" You furrowed your eyebrows, and looked over at him. "Is it true that I ruined you?" He looked down, disappointed at himself.

"I didn't know if you were ever going to come back." You looked down too, letting a tear hit the ground. "I missed you so much Cas." By now, you were balling. Castiel ran over to you and held you close to him.

"I missed you too," He was crying too. You looked up at him, and crashed your lips against his. He kissed back, in a needy but passionate way. You brought your hands up to cup his cheeks, while he kept a tight grip on your hips.

"I love you Y/N." He mumbles breathlessly against your lips. You widened your eyes, and looked into his blue ones. He finally said it. He said he loved you. You always knew he did, but he never said it. "I love you too, Cas." You said softly, as you wiped away the tears stained on his face.

"Please don't leave me again," You sniffled as you rested your head against his chest.

"I do not plan to." He said as he rubbed your back.

That night, you fell asleep in Castiel's arms for the first time in a long time.

"Merry Christmas, Y/N." Cas whispered as he kissed your cheek, and pulled you closer to him.


AWWWEEE FLUFFITY FLUFF FLUFF IN THIS CHAPTER!!! Castiel imagines will usually be longer since for some reason, I really like writing Castiel imagines lol. I READ THROUGH THIS; so there shouldn't be any grammar mistakes, but if there is feel free to correct me. Anyways, hope you liked this imagine!!

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