Dean Imagine: Demon Dean

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there is cussing and very violent "scenes" in this imagine. you've been warned. plus it's also really long because love long chapters!!!! but yeah this is really emotional and crazy and idk. im just warning you it's intense.

"You're wearing that?" He hissed. You sighed, telling yourself that this wasn't the real Dean talking. You frowned as you looked at your reflection. You were wearing a silky black dress that was long, but opened up at the side. He actually picked out the dress for you.

"Yes." You softly said barely making it audible.

"Dear God, speak up." He growled.

"Yes! Yes! I am wearing this! This was your damn idea to go out tonight." You yelled back.

"I guess I wasn't in my right mind when I said that—" The irony. "because I would never take a bitch like you out to dinner. Waste of my money."

"Glad you feel that way, because I would never let a dick like you take me out to dinner."

He was angry, veins popping out in his neck, and red in the face. That was when your life flashed before your eyes. He grabbed you by the neck and slammed you against the mirror. You gripped the sink to try and kick him off of you, but sadly, he was leaning against your legs. Definitely gonna leave a mark, and not the good kind. You then tried to pry his hands off of your neck. He then started slamming your head against the mirror, cracking it more every time he did. Everything was becoming dizzy, and blurry because of the tears in your eyes.

"Dean, please..." You whispered.

"Hey, guys? I know y'all are going out tonight, but a case just happened near town-"

Thank god Sam happened to come in here, while he punched his brother in the face and tackled him. You pushed yourself off of the sink, knowing it wasn't a good idea to keep rubbing your head against the mirror.

You choked as you lied on the ground trying to catch your own breath. Once you finally caught your breath, you tried to stand up, but immediately failed. Your legs hurt so bad from being pressed against the sink. You ended up landing on your elbows, causing you to slam your ribs into the tile, which hurt like hell. You screamed in pain but kept trying to get out of that bathroom, or getting away from Dean.

"W-What happened?" You heard Dean say.


"Y/N!" He rushed over to you and pulled you into his arms. You gasped in pain. This was probably one of few moments you've seemed so fragile. He glanced up at the mirror, a rush of guilt, worry, and hurt drowned him.

The mirror look like a cracked bloody mess.

Once you realized who was cradling you, you gasped and tried to wriggle out of his grip, but you were in so much pain to fight him anymore. You wanted to tell him to go away, but you chose not to say anything, and just closed your eyes.

"Jesus Christ Dean, we gotta get to a damn hospital." Sam hissed as he ripped you out if Deans arms.


You woke up in a hospital bed, with your head feeling like shit, and IV's hooked up to your arms. Dean was on the side of the bed, holding your hand tightly. You could tell he had been crying. He was out of it, and just staring out the window. You slowly released your hand from his, snapping him out of it. He looked hurt, thinking you were pulling your hand away in anger or terror. You weren't though, you went to cup the side of face and grinned weakly. He collapsed his warm hand on top of yours, holding your hand on his cheek.

"Baby, I'm so sorry..." He whispered and winced as a tear streamed down his face. You quickly wiped it away.

"You said you didn't like my dress, and that's when I knew it wasn't you..." You chuckled. It was still a really bad joke, but it seemed to cheer him up.

"What else did I say to you?" He mumbled, refusing to look you in the eye.

"Nothing." You lied.

"You're lying," He sighed.

"Nothing important, it's... Whatever." You shrugged weakly.


"Dean, it's okay, I'm okay." You grabbed onto his hands tightly, then spreading your arms out waiting for a hug. You giggled when he accepted your invite to the embrace. "Look, I'm fine." You grinned softly as you cupped his face, forcing him to look at you.


You were in underwear and one of Dean's t-shirts, and couldn't help but to examine you bruises from a couple weeks ago in the bathroom mirror. The ones on your neck were barely there, but you could still tell. You lifted up your shirt, and the one on your rib was also still there. There were band aids on your elbows, covering up the injuries.

Dean barged in accidentally, and apologizing about it, but once he realized what you were doing... He just, left.

"Dean, wait-" You ran after him, but stopping at the doorway of your bedroom. You sighed in defeat, as you slammed the door out of frustration and crawled onto the bed. You needed sleep, and you needed to let Dean cool off. Eventually, you cried yourself to sleep.

But of course, you woke up in the middle of the night from the same nightmare. Ever since you and Dean were together, you haven't had them. You sniffled as you tip-toed into the living room of the hotel room. Dean was watching T.V. and seemed exhausted. He glanced over to you, and walked you carefully as you came to sit next to him.

"I had nightmare." You whispered. He immediately wrapped his arms around you. It was so natural. It wasn't forced or awkward in any way.

You loved him, and he loved you. You knew that you could get through this, together.

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