Adding Gabriel!

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What He Like About You: Your butt. He's always talking about it.

When It Rains: "Y/N, it's raining." Gabriel announced. "I see that." You giggled. "Which is the perfect time to teach you how to dance." He smirked. You were a horrible dancer, and since there was going to be bad storms all day, why not? "I guess.." You sighed as he ran over to the CD player. "Where did you get that CD from?" You asked. "Deans car." He shrugged. "You stole one of his CD's?" You questioned and laughed. "Yup, now let's get moving woman!" The power went out, but that didn't stop Gabriel. You both put out candles around the living room, and when it came to dancing without music he just mumbled an eight-count. By the end of the storms, you could dance. "See, that wasn't so bad." He chuckled.

How You Greet Eachother After A Hunt:
When he gets back from a hunt, he always yells, "Honey, I'm home!". He then gives you a tight hug and you both get ready to go to bed. You fall asleep to the smell of chocolate, and to the steady pace of his hands rubbing your back. This is what you missed while he was gone.

What You Call Eachother:
What he calls you: Sweet-cheeks

What you call him: Candyman

Stuff You Steal From Him: When he's gone, you usually go through his candy stash. By the time he gets back there's only one chocolate bar left for him.

Goofy Things You Do That He Loves: Whenever you travel on each other's free time, he loves your impersonation of the waiters accent. Especially whenever you play with your food, making goofy faces waiting for Gabriel to laugh.

What You Normally Fight About: You fight about how he's constantly out doing whatever he wants, causing trouble. Especially trouble that could've been avoided.

Hobbies You Do While He's Away On a Hunt: You online shop. Money isn't a problem when Gabriel can just make it appear. So there's constantly new clothes, furniture, jewelry, literally anything and everything.

Christmas Presents You Get Eachother: He takes you to some history museum. At first, you thought it was boring but you ended up loving it. You took him to go get a type of dog he's been wanting for a while.

How He Proposes: It was on Valentine's Day. He left a heart-shaped box of chocolates siting on the counter. You thought that meant he left on another hunt since he wasn't there to give them to you, but you were wrong. Once you opened the box, there was a ring in the center of the box. "Will you marry me, Y/N?" He popped in front of you making you jump.

How You Wake Him Up: Usually you both sleep in until the afternoons, and stay in bed all day. And you're always the first to wake up about him. You try to be blunt about it when he refuses to wake up, but end up breaking as he tickles you.

Your Kids: You had a boy. You named him Chandler, from your favorite T.V. Show, "Friends." He loved candy, of course. It was always hard to make him eat a decent meal with Gabriel encouraging desert first. He looked just like you, but had the full personality of Gabriel. He was into superheroes and comics. Every year, he would be a different superhero for something. You didn't think that many superheroes existed. Whenever a new superhero movie came out, you took him to see it. Once you went to Universal Studios one year, you met some of the "superheroes". He was so excited, and that spark of excitement is what made you love being a mom. But when Chandler went into junior high, he became popular. A ladies man, per say. But, surprisingly, lead to him becoming just like Gabriel when it came to hunting.

How You Met: You were on a hunt with Dean,Sam, and Cas. Gabriel ended up showing, and you both have been together ever since.

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