2nd chance ?

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BTW the pic Is Netas room


Shit I fucking screwed up like what the fuck was I thinking?!
I need to talk to her but what am I gonna say I don't what to screw things up more.

*goes up stairs and knocks on Netas room*

* knock knock* ..... no answer
"Neta we need to talk plz look I'm sorry "

"Neta "? No answer !

Shit what the fuck Is going on !! I try getting in but I couldn't so I grabbed a knife and unlocked the door with it.

When I went in I examined the room no one was here so I checked the closet no one there ! That's when I heard muffled cries coming from the bathroom. I opened the bathroom to find Neta staggering to open a bottle of pills.
"Neta what are u doing " ??

She plainly said "I just want to die all ready"

I ran up to her and snatched the bottle of pills out of her hands and grabbed her and said

"Listen to me you are beautiful and have such an amazing heart, a person as nice and as kind and loving as you dose NOT ever deserve to fell like this ! *Matt starts crying*

" Neta I- I- I- I love you and It hurts to see you like this. I've only know you for a couple of months and these months have been amazing please please PROMISE me you'll never try to do something like this ever again"
I say while she sits on my lap bawling like crazy .

She finally responds "I-I love you Matt and I promise you I'll never try to do something like this again" with that she kissed me for a good 4 min.

I sat her on the counter and huged her so we were no just crying looking into each others eyes. When I broke the silence " Neta please forgive me for what I said earlier I didn't mean it like that"

"Matthew please don't feel sorry I over exaggerated but there was just so much going on I I just couldn't handle it, and yes Matthew I forgive you"

Thoughts matthew Espinosa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now