chapter 21 {blood rush}

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As i was parked and ready to get gas i saw the person i never thought i would see again. I quickly grabbed my sun glasses and put them on my face even tho it was about to become night.

I hopped out my car (no my car isn't any of the cars in the pic above) and tried to act as normal as possible. I walked into the gas station grabbed a couple of snacks and ice cream. 

On my way out of the gas station i was stopped by the person i hoped to never talk to again. I crossed my fingers behind my back hoping he wasn't talking to me. 

"  Excuse me miss do you know where the nearest MC Donalds is? i'm new around here"   The person said not recognizing me from my sunglasses " uh uh yes its actually just down the street past the first stop light"  "thank you " The person said.  Just as i was about to turn around i tripped and my fucking glasses fell off.


"what- Neta?!" the person exclaims.

I jumped up and grabbed my glasses and started running towards my car, right when i was about to open the car door, the person grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"i knew it.." he said and forced me into his car as i kicked and screamed, but no one was around to hear.

i'm alone, in the trunk of a car.

then i realized that i have my phone in my back pocket. I reached for it and decided to call Matt.

"uh, hello?" Matthew answers the phone.

"babe.. help me! i'm in the trunk of his car! he found me Matt! please help" i started to cry.

"who's car?"Matt asks

"my dad's! please help me! i'm scared..." i cry.

"don't worry. ill be there, i'm calling the cops, where do you think you are-" the line goes dead as i lose service.

where could he be taking me? as i scan the tight little trunk i'm in, i see a little knob, to open the car trunk.

i start hesitating, as i start twisting the knob.

all of a sudden the trunk flies open, and i fall out and tumble onto the cement road, my head hit the ground and my vision becomes blurry.

i see a faint image of the car driving away, like the person didn't realize i fell out the car.

that's when everything goes black.

_____________ * 2 hours later* 

I woke up to find my vision still blurry , i'm so confused.

I'm in a very white room as i look around things start to come to mind about everything that happened, I start to examine the things in the room i was in and soon realize i was in a hospital but how?

Sooner or later a female doctor walks into the room.

" how are you feeling" 

" fine but wheres Matthew " 

"Matthew ... Is he tall light brown hair?" The Doctor asks me 

"yes my boyfriend!" I say with a wide smile on my face 

The Doctor left and its been about 30 mins, I was starting to drift off to sleep.

"Babe how do you feel " A person says while pushing my arm.

" Matt " ? i say in joy and excitement as now i would be safe.


I rush out the house and go by the gas station Neta was at, I realize there was a road that lead into the forest i mean and strange person would go down this road. 

about 20 min of driving i had already called the cops, An 1 hour has gone by and still no Neta in sight amber alerts were sent out to all phones. 

Just as I was about to give up I saw a body on the floor in the distance. 

I jumped out my car and ran straight to the person. "NETA"  i screamed and immediatly picked her up and carried her straight to the car she seemed to be knocked out.

I rushed to the hospital and imediatly got her taken care of, hours went by and i am still here waiting.

I am so desperate to see Neta and to hug her.

The nurse finally comes and lets me know I can go see Neta finally. 

"babe how do you feel " i question as i hug her tightly.

 "good and so glad to see you , but how did I get here like i remember what happened with my dad just not how I got here".

"babe i truly dont know what happened I just found you laying there on the road" I said sounding really sad that , that happened to her.

After another hour of the doctors checking on Neta we could finally go back home all relaxed and her safe by my side. 

when we got home 

Neta had already fallen asleep in the car , till it suddenly hit me...


I totally forgot about Neta Car I went straight to the gas station and rushed hoping it will be there. 

As I rushed to the Gas station It was surprisingly still there an all black Range Rover. I woke Neta up and told her she needs to drive her car back to the house that ill be driving right by her while even staying on the phone with her. 

Neta and I arrived safely to the house, All stressed out and tired and still in shock with what happened. 

When we got home we made sure all windows doors and everything was locked tightly. We wen to my bedroom and Neta feel asleep really fast which meant i had to change her and put PJ's on her. 

I scanned her body as I did so, black and purple marks on her thighs from her own dad and a small cut on her forehead. 

i rapped her legs around me as she was only in her lace bra and under wear, and lifted her body up into mine as i cradled he like a baby tears of realife came to me. 

" I love you with all my heart my angle" I said as I kissed he Plumped perfect lips. 

Thoughts matthew Espinosa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now