Chapter Five

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Ezra's POV 

It's now Saturday morning. Aria and Anastasia have been staying with me these past few days. I want to keep them safe. I need to keep them safe. I can't let the woman I love and the daughter I recently found out I have stay with Andrew. He's dangerous and they have to get away from him.

I have thought of a plan to get Aria and Anastasia away from him. Aria doesn't know yet, but I'm going to tell her over dinner as soon as she gets back from dropping Anastasia off at her parents house. The only thing about the plan that I'm worried about is whether or not Aria will agree to it.

Aria's POV

 I'm at my parents house with Anastasia. My parents like looking after Anastasia on the weekends and she loves spending time with her grandparents.

My dad is currently holding Anastasia and my mom wants to talk to me alone. I follow her into the kitchen and sit across from her. My mom sits and stares at me for a few seconds before she talks.

"I heard Ezra's back in Rosewood. Is that true?" she asked me.

"Yeah, it's true," I nod my head, "he got back a few days ago."

"Does he know that Anastasia is his daughter?"

"Yeah I told him the day he got back," I replied.

"How did he take it?"

"He took it really well," I started to explain, "actually he took it amazingly. I've been staying at his place the past few days with Anastasia so they can bond. She knows he's her dad and she loves him. He loves her."

"That's great, sweetie," she smiled. "And how do you feel about Ezra being back?"

"I'm happy that he's back," I said, "because Anastasia knows who her father is now."

"You still love him, don't you?" 

I didn't answer, I just looked at the coffee in front of me. I didn't need to give an answer because my mom already knew what I was going to say. She knew that my answer was yes.

"Does he still love you?" she asked me.

I nod to answer her question.

"Be with him."

"Mom, I'm with Andrew," I reply.

"It's very clear that you are not happy with Andrew and you don't love him," she said.

"I know," was all I could say.

My mom reached over and took my hands in her own as I stared down at my coffee.

"You can't stay with Andrew if you don't love him. It's not fair on him. It's not fair on you. It's not fair on Ezra and it's not fair on Anastasia." she said in a soft tone.

"I know it's not fair on anyone," I sigh. "It's not that I want to be with Andrew, I really don't, but I can't just leave him, things are... complicated."

"Are you pregnant again?" she asked.

"What? No." 

"Then why are things complicated?"

"Look, it's hard to explain, Mom. I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready ." I told her.

"Okay, sweetheart," she locked her eyes with mine. "Just do what you feel is right."

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