Chapter Seventeen

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After my water broke, I shook Ezra to wake him up.

"Ezra, you have to get up," I said to him as I contributed to shake him.

"Hm," he groaned. "Babe, what's going on? Why are you waking me? What time is it?"

I watched Ezra as he sat up and looked over at the clock on the bedside table.

"Babe, it's only 2am, why did you wake me?" Ezra asked me.

"My water just broke," I told him.

"What? Now?" Ezra asked me, sounding worried. "He can't come now, it's too early."

"I know it's too early, but he's coming," I replied, also sounding worried. "We need to get to the hospital."

Ezra quickly grabbed his phone and called someone.

"Hi, Ella, I'm sorry to wake you, but Aria's in labour, we need to go to the hospital. Can you please come over and watch Anastasia?" I heard Ezra talking to my mom. "Alright, thank you, just walk in, I'll unlock the door."

Ezra then put down his phone and ran downstairs to unlock the door before coming back to our room.

"Your mom is on her way over now, she'll be here any minute," he told me.

"Ezra, he's premature, what if something goes wrong?" I asked, years forming in my eyes.

"Nothing will go wrong. Our son is going to be okay." Ezra convinced me.

"We need to pack blankets, diapers and clothes for him, webbed clothes for our for while we're at the hospital." I said to Ezra.

"I'll pack everything, you stay in bed and try to relax." Ezra responded.

"How can I relax? Our son is going to be born two months early, what if something goes wrong?" I responded.

"Nothing is going to go wrong, babe," Ezra said to me. "He's going to be okay, Aria, just breathe."

I just nodded as I took deep breaths and tried to relax like Ezra told me, but I couldn't, I was too worried.

Less than five minutes passed before Ezra had finished packing the hospital bag.

Ezra then helped me out of bed and carried me downstairs just as my mom arrived.

"Aria, sweetheart, how are you feeling?" She asked me.

"Terrified," I answered.

"Why are you terrified?" She questioned. "You've done this before and you did great last time."

"Anastasia wasn't two months early," I replied. "What if something goes wrong?"

"Aria, nothing's going to go wrong. Babies are born prematurely quite often. You're healthy and the baby was healthy at your last check up. Everyone will be okay, just stay calm, honey," Ezra said to me as he opened the front door.

"Ezra's right, sweetheart," my mom replied as she kissed my forehead. "Now go, you need to get to the hospital."

Ezra carried me out of the house right after my mom said that.

"Do you want to be in the passengers seat or back seat?" Ezra asked me.

"Back seat," I answered quickly. "I need to lie down."

Ezra lay me in the back seat before getting into the car and driving us to the hospital.

The drive wasn't very long, it would've been longer if Ezra wasn't driving over the speed limit.

Ezra and I got taken to the labour ward almost as soon as we got into the hospital, we were only waiting for about five minutes.

"How are you feeling, babe?" Ezra asked me as I started to relax in the hospital bed.

"I'm tired and sore but I'm a little calmer than I was before," I told him.

Ezra smiled at me and kissed my hand before he spoke again.

"How long did your labour take with Anastasia?" He asked me.

"About ten hours," I replied. "I read that your second labour is usually shorter than your first."

"Do you need anything just now?"

"No I've got you, there's nothing else I need just now," I answered.

Ezra smiled then kissed my forehead.

"Well if you change your mind, if you need water or anything to eat just tell me, okay," Ezra said.

"Yeah, I'll tell you," I responded.

I lay back a little more in the hospital bed, closed my eyes and took deep breaths.

"Are you okay babe?" Ezra asked me.

"Yeah I'm okay," I responded. "I'm just trying to relax."

Ezra did whatever he could to keep me calm and comfortable.

He held my hand, massaged my feet and shoulders and he spoke soothing words to me.

A few hours later it was finally time for me to give birth to our second child.


I'm so sorry for taking over a month to update my stories but I've been extremely busy with college lately and I don't really have motivation to write these stories anymore.
I've actually been considering stopping both of the stories I'm currently writing because I don't really have the time to write anymore.
Would you guys want me to continue these stories or not?
Thank you to everyone who's been patient with me and continues to read my stories.
- Chloe

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