Chapter Sixteen

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"Aria," Ezra called for me from the living room, "I know you've got cravings but we have to finish decorating the tree."

"Okay, I'll be there in a second," I yelled back from the kitchen as I got of out of my seat.

I slowly made my way into the living room, my baby bump making it hard for me to move fast.

When I got into the living room I saw that Ezra had put he last of the baubles on the tree and Anastasia was playing in a pile of tinsel.

"There's my beautiful fiancé," Ezra said cheerily, his face beaming as he came over to me and kissed me.

"Beautiful?" I asked. "Look at me, I'm the size of a whale. I could put a Santa suit on and kids would think I'm really him."

"I think you'd make an adorable Santa," Ezra replied, chuckling slightly.

I couldn't help but smile at him. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones, but Ezra always seems to make me smile easily.

"Now, we already finished most of the tree before you went off to get a snack," Ezra pointed out. "All that's left is to put the star on top."

Ezra handed me the star and he picked up Anastasia from her little tinsel pile on the floor.

"This was always my favourite part of decorating the Christmas tree as a little kid," I said smiling as I handed the star to Anastasia.

"Mine too," Ezra added, "now I'm sure it'll be our daughters favourite part or our sons favourite part."

"I have to get a picture of this, wait a second please," I said to Ezra as he lifted Anastasia.

I went to our bedroom and grabbed the camera that Ezra had gotten me all those years ago.

"Okay, now she can put it on," I said as I got back in living room.

I took a couple of pictures as Ezra lifted Anastasia up so she could put the star on top of the Christmas tree.

I looked down at my baby bump and rubbed it gently as Ezra kissed Anastasia's head.

"I've been thinking of names for him," I said to Ezra.

"You have?" He asked me, "what names have you got so far?"

"I really like the names Caspian, Elliot and Noah," I told him.

"Those are all beautiful names," he replied as he put Anastasia back down so she could continue playing with the tinsel.

"Do you have any ideas?" I asked him.

"I like the names Maxwell and Matthew," Ezra replied as he walked towards me.

"They're really cute," I said smiling.

"Well he's due in two months so we have plenty of time to decide," Ezra responded.

"I can't wait for him to be here," I said.

"Me neither," Ezra replied as he placed both of his hands on my baby bump.

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