Chapter Twelve

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Ezra's POV

The doctors took Aria for her operation and it didn't last long, only about fifteen minutes, but while she was being operated on, the police gave me some information.

They found Andrew at a gas station just outside of Rosewood and he's now thankfully been arrested.

Aria was already awake but she was still a little drowsy from the anaesthesia.

"Where's my baby?" She mumbled.

"Your mom and dad took Anastasia home, she's safe, honey," I informed her as I took her hands.

"No no, I mean my other baby," she said.

"Aria," I spoke softly, rubbing circles on the back of her hands with my thumbs. "Aria, your other baby's gone."

I knew saying that would hurt her and I could've told her there was never another baby, but if she remembered the conversation after the anaesthesia wore off, lying to her would've hurt her more.

Tears slowly fell from Aria's eyes until she fell asleep again.

I held her hand and watched her until she woke up again about five minutes later.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly as her eyes fluttered open.

"Yeah, I'm okay," she replied slowly. "Thank you."

"What are you thanking me for?" I asked her, confused as to why she said thank you.

"For not lying to me about the baby," she answered, looking down.

"You know I'd never lie to you," I answered.

She stayed silent after that, she just stared down with one hand on her stomach.

"Aria, it's not your fault," I spoke softly because I knew that's what she's thinking. "Andrew did this."

"I can't help but blame myself. The baby was counting on me to keep them safe and I failed," Aria replied, her voice breaking.

"Aria, please look at me," I asked softly.

As Aria looked at me I saw the tears forming in her eyes again.

"Please don't blame yourself. What happened is Andrew's fault," I said slowly.

"I hate him," was all Aria said.

"The police found him," I informed her.

"Really? They did?"

"Yes, they've arrested him," I explained to her. "He can't hurt you anymore."

A long sigh of relief escaped Aria's lips and she looked up at me with a smile.

"He's can't hurt you," I repeated, also smiling.

She held her arms out for her to hug her and I did before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"We can start our lives as a family now," Aria said, her eyes bright.

"Yes we can," I replied. "Do you want to stay in Rosewood now that he's locked up?"

"No," she a sneered, shaking her head. "We can go go New Your or find a place in Philly. I don't care where we go, as long as we're together and out of Rosewood."

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