Chapter Fifteen

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Aria's POV

It had been three months since Ezra and I got engaged and we had already nearly finished the wedding planning. All that was left to do is tasting cakes and getting a wedding dress.

I'm at the dress store with Spencer, Emily, Hanna, Alison and my mom, trying on dresses.

We'd already found the perfect brides maid dresses and the perfect dress for my mom, but I've looked at fourteen dresses already and haven't tried any of them on because neither of them are the right one for me.

It took another while looking before my eyes caught sight of the most beautiful dress I had every seen.

"This is it. This is my wedding dress," I said.

"It's gorgeous," Hanna exclaimed.

"It's so you," Alison said.

"You're going to look amazing in that," Emily added.

"Ezra's going to fall in love with you all over again when you walk down the aisle wearing that dress," Spencer commented.

"Go try it on, sweetheart," my mom said to me.

"Will you help me?" I asked my mom. "I won't be able to zip it up myself."

"Of course," my mom answered as she took the dress off of its hanger.

She and I headed to the changing area so I could try on the wedding dress.

"How far along are you, honey?" My mom asked me as she was zipping the dress.

"What do you mean?" I replied, confused about what she was talking about.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?"

"No," I answered.

"This dress is your size, it should zip up easily," she replied.

"Ezra and I are always careful, I can't be pregnant," I said.

I'm not sure if I was trying to convince my mom or myself.

I've not been throwing up but I have missed a few of my periods, I just thought that was due to the stress of planning the wedding though.

"Maybe you should take a test just to be sure," my mom suggested.

"I'll buy one when we leave and I'll take it as soon as I get home," I replied.

My mom didn't say anything else as I changed into my own clothes and put the wedding dress back where it was.

"Are we not getting to see you in the dress?" Hanna asked as I walked over to them.

"It needs altered a little, it doesn't fit properly," I told them.

"Oh," Hanna replied. "Well, I know someone who will probably alter it for you for free."

"Thank you, Hanna, I might take you up on that offer."

"Okay, so are we going out to lunch now?" Emily asked.

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