Chapter Five .

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"Marcus !" I yelled from August's and I bedroom as I hid Lil Brown, Marcus' teddy bear, behind my back. He lost it a couple of weeks ago.

"Yes." He came running into my room.

"Guess who I found?" I smiled then reveal Lil Brown from behind my back.

"Lil Brown!" He grabbed it. "You found it!" He smiled as he hugged it.

I smiled as I saw Marcus hugged his bear. It reminded me of the day Marcus first got Lil Brown.


Marcus' legs were wrapped around my waist as we sat on Mama S' couch. I leaned him down to floor as I blew into his stomach. He started giggling uncontrollably.

"Mommy stop!" He laughed. I pulled him up, waited a moment, and did it again. "Ahhhh! Mommy!" He laughed again.

August then walked in, holding a bag. I pulled Marcus' up and let him down.

"Daddy!" Marcus ran to him and hugged his legs.

August rubbed his back. "Hey Mar'."

I got up as well. "Baby." I dragged out as I leaned in for a kiss. He kissed my lips. "Whatchu got?"

"It's for Marcus." August rose his eyebrow.

"Oh forreal?" I looked down at Marcus.

"For me?!" Marcus smiled.

"Yeah. Close your eyes." Marcus closed his eyes as August took the new, fresh teddy bear out the bag. It was a perfect shade of brown. "Okay, open your eyes."

Marcus opened his eyes and his just eyes started sparkling. "A teddy bwear !" He reached for it.

I started laughing at Marcus' reaction. "Aww, you got him a teddy bear!" I touched August's arm.

August handed him the bear. "Yeah, it reminded me of him."

"What you going to name it, Mar? All teddy bears have names." I looked down at Marcus.

"Hmmm. I don't know." Marcus responded. "Oo, wait I know!"

"What?" August asked.

"Little Brown."

"That's cute." I complimented the name.

August got to Marcus' level. "Yeah but, Marcus..this bear a lil' thug."

"It's a thug?" Marcus smiled.

"Yeah." August chuckled as Marcus laughed. "So instead of 'little', you got to say 'lil'."

"Lil?" Marcus asked for confirmation.

"Yeah. Lil."

"Lil Brown." Marcus said the new teddy bear's name.

"Yeah. That's right." August said.

"Thanks daddy." Marcus hugged him with the bear in his hands.


"Thank you, ma." Marcus hugged my leg.

I picked him up. "You welcome, Mar." I kissed his cheek.

August then walked into the room. "You found Lil Brown?"

"Mhm." Marcus nodded.

"You just ruined mother and son moment."

Marcus looked at me then at August. "Yeah!"

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