Chapter Fourteen .

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I ended my call with YN. I put my phone on my hotel bed and I rubbed my hands through my hair and sighed. I'm really worried. I wish I was there.


My alarm clock from my phone went off. I looked at the time with my sleepy eyes, it's currently 5 AM. I always wake up this early since on tour, unless I have a day off. I slowly tried to wake myself up since I hadn't really gotten sleep. After I woke my body up a little bit, I got up and headed to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and started to wash my face with a rag until I heard knocking on my door. It's probably Steve. He always checking to see if I'm up and ready. I went to check the peek hole and it was him. I opened the door and walked back in the bathroom to finish washing my face.

"Good, you're awake." Steve said walking in with two cups of coffee and a bag.

"Ain't I always awake on time?" I said, cleaning out the corner of my eyes.

"Yeah but I always gotta check if you are up." He said.

I put the rag down and walked out the bathroom. Steve had set the stuff on table and I walked over and sat down looking through the bag. It was breakfast and I picked up my cup of coffee. I don't drink coffee but it really helps with my energy so that's why I've been drinking it. I took a sip and took the food out, he got me a breakfast sandwich with bacon, egg, and cheese.

"We have to do sound check today and go over tonight's set and wardrobe, the usual stuff." Steve said as he was going through his phone.

I took a bite out of my sandwich. "What time does sound check start?"

"Around 12, so you can either sleep in or go out, but we have to be on time because if not-"

"I know, I know it throws the schedule off."

"Also, you have a 30-minute V.I.P meet and greet before the show and you're meeting the fans after the show as well and we'll try to get back on the road around 12 AM." He told me. I nodded as I got up to get my phone and sit back down. "I suggest you go over with the stylist and discuss what you wearing if you don't want her to pick out something you don't like."

"Uh huh." I said, nodding, barely listening at this point and scrolling through my feed on Instagram.

"And try to do it before sound check."

"Yeah, yeah. I got it bruh." I said, chuckling.


"Steve." I looked at him. He gave me a look. "You always stressing and always about business, just sit down and relax for 5 minutes." He shook his head and sat down and got his sandwich out the bag.

"You are a handful, you know that man?" Steve said.

I chuckled. "Whatever you say, Steve."


"Man, you just traveling, aren't you?" Drew said through the phone as I was out and about shopping and getting a view of the city with Rick, my security guard.

"That's tour life, nig. How's it going over there?"

"It's good man. Will is still more reckless than a bitch." Drew said.

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