Chapter one

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@SlytherinQueen24 - New fanfic, but it's not Draco Malfoy here.. :( Sorry! I'll promise you after I complete this story. REALLY! :D

Okay, read! :)) For those who wants REQUESTS, comment on or message me. I'd appreciate it very much.

I do NOT own the Harry Potter series. That credit goes to the brilliant mind of J.K. Rowling.

September 1, 1971

The scarlet steam engine of the Hogwarts Express sat stationary on platform nine and three quarters as students from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry started to board it.

"… I'm sorry, Tuney, I'm sorry! Listen…"

A red haired girl with brilliant emerald eyes was pleading with her older sister about something with their parents a small ways away, looking around in amazement.

"I'll never forgive you," the sister called Tuney retorted.

A boy with black, greasy shoulder link hair was staring at them in interest with his parents. He mostly resembled his mother.

Some ways away from that scene, a boy with untidy black hair and glasses was allowing his mother to kiss his cheek.

"You're going to have a brilliant time at Hogwarts," the boy's father said, placing his hand on his shoulder.

A few feet away from them stood a family of four.

"Make us proud," the mother said to the older of the two boys.

She had no love in her voice. It was like she didn't care that she wouldn't be seeing her son until the Christmas holidays.

"Yes, Mother," the boy nodded.

His tone had been nonchalant and uncaring, like he was already used to this kind of treatment. The boy then ran a hand through his semi-long, black wavy hair.

"Are you sure Professor Dumbledore's all right with me…"

A boy with sandy hair was looking intohis mother's eyes, looking absolutely terrified.

His mother bent down to her son's level and took him in her arms and said, "Of course he is, darling."

"I'm scared," a boy with blond headed boy was telling his mother.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll make a lot of friends at school, pumpkin," the mother assured her son.

About an hour later, the greasy haired boy was running through the corridor of the train, looking for something, or someone. He stopped when he found the red haired girl with the boy in glasses and the other boy with curly hair.

"I don't want to talk to you, Severus," the girl said as she crossed her arms and looked out the window.

"Why not?" the boy called Severus asked as he sat across from her.

The two boys were trying not to eavesdrop, but it was not to hear them.

"My sister hates me," the girl snapped, finally turning to face Severus. "Petunia knows we saw the letter from Dumbledore."

This time, the boy in glasses chanced a glance towards the pair as Severus asked, "And?"

"She's my sister," the girl cried out, clearly not caring that there were two others in the compartment that could hear her.

"Come on, Lily," Severus said with a sigh. 'We're finally going to Hogwarts."

Lily took a deep breath.

"Yeah, you're right," she finally replied, trying not to smile, but failed.

Severus could help but smiling now that Lily was.

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