Chapter fifteen

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January 30, 1974

Lily yawned as she sat in bed and stretched out her arms. Today was a big day for her. Today, she was fourteen.

"Happy birthday, Lily," Mary said as she sat at the edge of the bed.

"Thanks, Mary," she replied with a big smile on her face.

Mary left Lily's gift on the bed as she began to get ready for class.

"Too bad it's on a school day, though," she said with a sigh.

Lily looked at Mary as she unwrapped her present and replied, "Oh, I know." Lily smiled at the new book in her hands. "Thank you, Mary."

"Maybe the Professors will be lenient with you," Mary suggested as they got dressed.

"Slughorn and Flitwick maybe, but I doubt the rest will," Lily said with a laugh.

"Yeah, especially McGonagall," Mary added.

Mart could not help but James's forlorn look in the common room.

"What's been up with Potter?," she asked. "He hasn't been himself since December."

"I wouldn't worry about him," Lily said, knowing Jame would be all right.

However, she had noticed James, along with Sirius, were getting into more trouble lately. James had become very snappy and hex kids on the hall for no good reason.


It was the end of the day, and for some reason, it was getting to Lily that James hadn't wished her a happy birthday yet. After all, she had remembered his birthday and had even kissed him on the cheek. Then she remembered the way he looked in the common room, but it did not seem to help.

"Lily, are you all right?" Mary asked, noticing her friend's lack of attention.

"No, I'm not," she snapped.

Lily looked down as Mary backed away.

"Sorry," Mary apologized.

"No, I'm sorry, Mary," Lily said with a sigh. "It's just I can't believe he actually forgot."

"Who forgot what?" Mary asked.

"If you don't know, I'm not going to tell," Lily said.


Later on the night, Remus decided to go down to the common room because he could not sleep. He was surprised to find Lily on the couch that faced the usually lit fireplace.

"Hey, Lily," Remus said.

Lily gasped and turned.

"Remus! What are you doing up?" she asked.

It looked like she had been crying, but Remus did not want to ask in hear of upsetting her more.

"Can't sleep," Remus replied as he sat next to her.

"It was my birthday today, and he didn't tell me anything," Lily said, crossing her arms angrily.

She hated that James made her feel this way. He was the most self centered boy she knew.

"Well, happy birthday, but what makes you think James would know?" Remus asked.

He did not know if insinuating that James was the person Lily was referring to was a good idea.

"I realize that now," Lily replied with a sigh.

Remus got up and walked towards the stairs. He could not believe he was going to do this.

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