Chapter seven

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January 10, 1972

All the students were now boarding the Hogwarts Express to go back to school after Christmas holidays.

"Hi, Sirius," James greeted his friend after telling his parents goodbye.

Sirius smiled and quickly closed the gap between them.

"Hi, James," he replied.

"How was your Christmas?" James asked as they waited on Remus and Peter.

"Awful," Sirius said sorely, letting his head fall forward. "Being a Gryffindor must really have upset them." Sirius then looked back up and smiled. "The Chocolate Frogs you sent, though, helped. Thanks."

"I figured you'd be needing some cheering up," James replied with a wide smile. "Thanks for the Chocolate Cauldrons."

Before could Sirius could reply, someone began yelling, "Hey, James... Sirius!"

Sirius and James turned, and there was "Remus!"

Remus caught up with them, looked around for a moment, then he asked, "Have you seen Peter?"

Sirius and James shrugged their shoulders and began to look around as well.

"Oh, there he is," Sirius said as he finally finally spotted him. "Peter!"

"Hi, guys," Peter said, his smile brighter than the rest.

He had never really had friends before, so to be about of this so called gang was what he now lived for.

"Come on, let's find a compartment," Remus said. They walked down the corridor, but all the compartments seemed to be taken. And then Remus spotted one. "What about this one?"

"No, way," James immediately rejected after glancing into the compartment and seeing Lily Evans sitting by herself, looking out the window.

He hadn't even taken notice that Severus wasn't with her.

"It's only Evans," Sirius said, his hand already reaching for the handle to open it.

Knowing he wasn't going to win, James sighed and replied, "Fine."

Lily turned as the compartment door opened. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy as they got a better look at Lily.

"Do you mine of we join you?" Remus asked, sounding as nice as he could without sounding as shocked as he felt.

"I suppose you can," Lily said with a small sniff.

Remus took the seat next to her, knowing that he might be the only one from the four that she'd confide in, and asked, "Are you all right?"

"I... I don't know," Lily said, her eyes on the floor, so she didn't see the concerned looks they were giving her.

"Do you..." Remus began to ask, but stopped himself when Lily's piercing green eyes met his.

"I don't feel like talking right now," Lily said bluntly.

Feeling uncomfortable, Peter got up and suggested, "Maybe we should leave."

"No, please don't," Lily begged, looking at Peter with pleading eyes. He swallowed hard and sat back down. "I just had a rubbish holiday."

"Sorry," Remus apologized.

The rest of the train ride was quite quiet.

Sirius took a deep breath as he stepped off of the Hogwarts Express and said, "It's good to be back."

"You said that again," Peter replied with a wide smile.

"What is she doing?" James suddenly asked.

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