Chapter six

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November 1, 1971

James, Sirius, and Peter decided to visit Remus in the hospital wing the next day. They wanted to know if he was all right.

"Hi, Madame Pomfrey," Sirius said, flashing a smile, hoping that it would soften her up.

It didn't work.

"We're here to see Remus," Sirius told her.

Madame Pomfrey had been known to be overprotective about her patients.

"I'm afraid he's not up for visitors at the moment, but come by this afternoon. He should be feeling better," she said.

Peter opened his mouth to say something, but James cut him up, saying, "All right, thanks."

"I guess we'll check back during lunch," Sirius replied as he led James and Peter out.

Remus was sitting up in bed when Madame Pomfrey pulled back the draping that was concealing himself from the other patients.

"Thank you," he said; his eyes not able to look up.

"Say no more," Madam Profrey replied, picking up some ointment from Remus's bed side table. "Now, let's get those wounds healed up before they return."

As soon as James, Sirius, and Peter finished eating their lunch, they went to go visit Remus. This time, Madame Pomfrey let them in. Remus's cuts were hardly visible now thanks to the cream.

"We tried to get in earlier, but Madame Pomfrey wouldn't let us see you," Sirius said, sitting at the edge of Remus's bed.

Peter sat in the empty chair while Peter stood behind him.

"I was probably asleep," Remus said, making an excuse so that nothing seemed supisious.

"So, when are you getting out of here?" Peter asked.

"Madame Pomfrey says I'll be while enough to leave tomorrow," Remus said.

He had to smile when the three faces looking at him had smiles that reached their ears.

"Brilliant," James said.

"Yeah," Remus nodded. "It'll be nice to be back in my own bed."


December 12, 1971

With Christmas fast approaching, most of the students were boarding the Hogwarts Express to go home.

James noticed while on the ride home that Sirius was very quiet.

"I take it you're not happy about going home for Christmas holidays?" he asked.

Sirius looked from out the window to James.

"What gave it away?" he asked

Meanwhile, in another compartment, Lily had just asked Severus that same question.

He didn't answer.

"Is it really that bad at home?" Lily asked.

"You would not believe it," Severus replied, hardly ever looking at her.

One of the few times he did was when Lily laid a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Lily apologized. "But at least we can still see each other."

"Yes, that is something," Severus said, letting a small smile escape.

In the other compartment with James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus, Sirius looked back at James from laughing at Remus and Peter, who were now both asleep with their mouths opened.

"Is it wrong to want to stay here for Christmas?" Sirius asked James with a sigh.

"Maybe next year," James told him thoughtfully. Looking down, he added, "And maybe I'll join you."

Sirius looked at him and smiled.

"Thanks," he said.

When the train finally stopped,, it was already night.

"See you guys after the holidays," Remus told Sirius, James, and Peter when he saw his mum as they got off the train.

"Bye, Remus," the boys said as they waved goodbye.

Peter turned and saw a familiar face. His smile reached his ears.

"There's my mum," Peter declared, and he stared walking towards her.

"See you, Peter," James and Sirius called out to Peter, who turned and waved.

Sirius groaned some when he turned and saw his parents and brother staring at him.

"Wish me luck," he said, watching his mother, Walburga, his father, Orion, and brother, Regulus.

"Good luck, Sirius," James replied, placing his hand on Sirius's shoulder.

Sirius gave a small smile and headed towards his family.

Lily was looking sadly at her sister, waiting for something to be said.

"You're still not talking to me?" she asked her sister, Petunia.

Petunia just ignored her.

Back with the Black family, Regulus had just walked up to Sirius.

"How was your first term?" Regulus asked.

"It was all right," Sirius said. And then he turned more cheerful to make Regulus excited. "You'll love it, Regulus."

Remus had his head down as he and his mother walked out.

"Sweetheart, is everything all right?" Remus's mum asked. "Did you make any friends?"

"That's the thing, Mum," Remus said, taking a sigh as he looked up. "I have friends, but that's only because they don't know what I am."

"How can you be sure if you haven't told them?" his mother asked.

"That's basically what Madame Pomfrey told me as well," Remus said with a smile on his face. "I guess it's just going to take a while to gather the courage."

"If they're your real friends, they'll accept you without question," his mother replied thoughtfully.

"I hope you're right, Mum," Remus said with a sigh.

His mother smiled and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm always right," she said.

Peter and his mother were now walking out.

"I see you made some friends," his mother said.

"Huh?" Peter asked, not really paying any attention to what his mother was saying. "Oh, yeah. They're great."

James and his parents followed a ways behind them.

"Is that a Black I just saw you with, James?" Mr. Potter asked his son.

"Yes," James nodded, not sounding at all ashamed.

"I don't think you should…" Mrs. Potter began, but James cut her off, saying, "Don't worry, Mum. He was sorted into Gryffindor."

"Really?" Mr. Potter asked, turning to think to himself. "How interesting."

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