Chapter eighteen

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December 10, 1974

Remus walked back into the boys' dormitory after forgetting something to find James, Sirius, and Peter were all up and dressed.

"What are you three doing up?" Remus asked.

"Tonight's the night," James said.

"What are you talking about?" Remus asked.

"Peter and I were able to capture so animals for the test," James explained.

Remus let out a sigh.

"How did I let you convince to do this mental experiment?" he asked.

With that, they walked out the door and began walking down to the common room.

"And where exactly are you going?" a feminine voice asked.

James turned and gasped to find Lily behind them.

"Evans! What are you doing up?" he asked.

Remus gave her a puzzled look. He had no clue she was even there when he had been in the common room before.

"Reading," Lily answered. "Now answer my question."

"We're just going for a walk," Remus said.

"You really shouldn't," Lily told them.

"We won't get caught," Sirius said.

She got up and crossed her arms.

"You promise?" Lily asked. "The last thing Gryffindor needs is more points deputed."

She could not believe she was letting this happen. What was it about these boys that made her lose her judgment?

"We promise," Remus said.

Lily watched on as the four boys left.

"Can we have a moment?" James asked Madame Pomfrey as they exited the castle.

"Quickly. You three shouldn't even be out here," she said.

"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey," Peter replied.

James and Peter got the three the animals they had captured.

"Good luck," Sirius said.

"Hopefully these animals survive," Peter told Remus.

"Yeah, so do I," he agreed. The last thing Remus wanted was to wake up tomorrow to find he had killed and eaten three harmless animals. "See you tomorrow."

"The three of you need to get back to Gryffindor tower before you get caught," Madame Pomfrey told them.

The three boys turned in shock. Hopefully see had not seen Remus with the three animals.

"Yes, Madam Pomfrey," Peter said.


December 11, 1975

Lily walked into the common and found James, Sirius, and Peter sitting on the couch.

"What were the four of you really up to last night?" she asked.

"We told you it was just a walk," James said.

Lily was surprised that he did not have anything else to say on the matter. She then noticed someone was missing.

"Yes, but…Where's Remus?" she asked.

"Well, he's… um," Peter began, looking at James and Sirius for help.

"Still in bed," Sirius finished.

"He'll tell me what you were really up to," Lily said, and began making her way up the stairs.

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