Chapter eight

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June 4, 1972

It wasn't until the day before everyone left for summer holidays that the students got their marks in. Remus had been bugging Professor McGonagall about it all week before.

"I was afraid we wouldn't get our marks in time," Remus said, not even giving Professor McGonagall time to extend her hand with his marks in it.

James, Sirius, and Peter all laughed at the look their Head of House had given Remus when he had done that. Maybe a transfer to Ravenclaw was in Remus's future.

"Yeah, especially knowing our finals were later than planned," James said after he had gotten over his laughing fit.

"After what Professor Dumbledore said about that You-Know-Who person, I don't blame them," Sirius added, careful to keep his eyes on his paper.

You-Know-Who, Dumbledore said, though he had called him by the name, Lord Voldemort, had been murdering Muggle families. Sirius parents were supporters of Voldemort's doing, and Sirius didn't like this. He didn't want his friends knowing just now that his parents were apart of these killings.

"Promise you'll write this summer? All of you," Peter said.

Sirius's head lifted up, glad for the change of subject. Remus hadn't seemed to notice. His head was still berried in his paper, examining his marks vigilantly.

"Of course," James said.

Lily and Severus were outside the Great Hall. Severus with his head down, Lily with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I know you wish you could stay here," Lily said with a sigh.

"I'll survive. It's been that way for years," Severus said, referring to his parents.

However, he wasn't about to tell her how they were Voldemort supporters.

"Still..." Lily began, but Serverus cut her off saying, "I know."

Lily then made a noise-like whimper.

"Come here."

Snape's stomach lurched. He knew if there had been an audience, he would have pulled Lily away quickly, but there wasn't, so he allowed his hands to touch her back, accepting the hug.

"Promise we'll reach each other this summer."

"I promise," Severus said.

And so Snape kept his promise to Lily. They met at the park where they'd first met about every day. Petunia often followed, but only because she was told to.


June 23, 1972

It was on this day that Petunia had spoken to Lily since leaving for Hogwarts.

"What is it about that Snape kid that you like so much?" she asked as they sat on the ground at the park picking the grass.

"He is my friend," Lily explained, not looking at her sister. "He's my best friend."

"There wasn't anyone else at that school?"

Lily was surprised to feel her cheeks warm some. Why was that?

"Yes, but Severus was the first person I met that was like me."


June 24, 1972

James was sitting at his desk at his home in Godric's Hollow, running a quill over a piece of parchment quickly.


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